Abigail Disney, the granddaughter to Roy O. Disney, who cofounded The Walt Disney Company, told CNBC on Thursday that she plans to withhold donations to the party she has funded for years until Biden drops out. The president has said he has no plans to withdraw from the race, despite calls for him to do so.
“I intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket. This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high,” Abigail Disney said in a lengthy statement to CNBC. “If Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire.”
And this is the reason why the democratic party does not respond to the interests of the working class. The words of a super rich person have more influence than thousands or millions of people saying the same thing in surveys. This time those voices are aligned, but if next time they are not, the voice of the super rich will be the one they hear instead of yours.
With all these calls for him to drop out, there would need to be a viable replacement that could ensure a win with a four month campaign. I’m concerned that it’s just as risky to change the horse this close to the race.
It’s not a bad idea. He’s “scandal” won’t mean shit next to Trump’s. I’d still like to see some polls of his potential before we start calling for Biden to step down.
You ignore that scandals only matter to Democrats. Like Trump said, he could murder someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. Meanwhile, Al Franken does something in poor taste and gets cancelled.
At least it would be funny, in a good way.
They don’t hear you now. Just because you’re asking for the same thing doesn’t mean your opinion matters.
the working class cannot afford democracy
The words of a super rich person have more influence than thousands or millions of people saying the same thing in surveys.
Gas there ever been a time, place, or political system where this was not always the case?
Political parties that pay more attention to their voters than to the rich? Yes, many. Parties that fulfill that and are electorally successful? None or almost
Waiting for the communists to jump in confidently incorrect.
If you haven’t seen Abigail Disney’s documentary about Disney, you really need to…
The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales - Official Trailer - https://youtu.be/9XnX5LNjeAg
Abigail Disney looks at America’s dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less. Using her family’s story, Disney explores how this systemic injustice took hold and imagines a way toward a more equitable future.
Don’t they pay their park employees shit? Maybe she should “explore” that as part of this great philanthropic work.
The Disney family no longer owns or controls Disney Megacorp, AFAIK. It’s an independent company run in the usual way now.
Criticizing Disney’s pay and worker rights is literally Abigail Disney’s claim to fame.
Maybe lower the prices at her theme parks, then?
She doesn’t have any role in running the parks. I don’t think anyone in the Disney does anymore. Abigail Disney criticizes the Disney Corp all the time. Mostly about worker conditions, pay, and obscene CEO pay rather than ticket prices.
I don’t think she’s the Disney in charge.
The last Disney to actually be in charge of the company was her father.
I sense a replay of 2016.
Biden dropping out right now would all but guarantee that Trump won the Presidency. Anyone calling for him to drop out knows this, and is doing it likely as someone who is horribly misguided, or intentionally to try and sway our elections by a foreign entity.
We’re past the point of registrations across multiple states, the supreme court is controlled by the right, and there is absolutely no way to swap those names out and get the new names on the ballot without pushing it all up the ladder to – you guessed it – An illegitimate supreme court who has shown us they’ll make shit up on the spot to get the result that their owners want.
So people calling for Biden to ‘step down’ - are either doing it because they’re too stupid to realize the reality of things, or they are a foreign agent attempting to sew division and limit voters on the left. Follow those social chains up to who they originate from – I guarantee they originate from people who are intentionally there to sew division in an attempt to sway our elections.
Here’s a list of the dated deadlines to be placed on the ballot in various states: https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024
We’re past the point of registrations across multiple states
LOL, no we’re not. Biden hasn’t even been nominated yet. The earliest deadline is Ohio, which is requiring the Democratic party to do a special virtual vote to get on, but that’s still in the future.
Your link is a list of filing deadlines for the primary.
So maybe after being wrong and accusing everyone else of being foreign agents, check your own information sources that are trying to convince you of this.
All of this is wrong, according to the DNC’s own rules and history of being able to handle such situations, and common sense.
I mean I wouldn’t call all people who want Biden to drop out as intentionally being for Trump. Alot of it is fear, panic, and maybe a bit of ignorance of historical trends. By alot of historical metrics, it does increase the chance for Trump winning, I’ll admit that. But I wouldn’t say that it’s guaranteed.
and is doing it likely as someone who is horribly misguided
This is Abigail Disney. She’s rich but she’s not the brightest crayon in the box politically. Her PhD is in philosophy and her dissertation was about the role of romanticized violence and war in American life. Her lists of philanthropy is what one would expect from a run of the mill rich person level activism. Tossing money at the high level stuff, never diving deeper to the root of the problem.
I’m not dissing the lady, but she absolutely falls into the misguided on this aspect.
It’s sow, as in sowing seeds, not sew, as in joining together with thread.
Sincere question did you watch the debate in its entirety?
I daw Yrump lying his ass off and Biden flabbergasted at the sheer audacity of some of those lies.
You didn’t watch it.
All the wealthy Plutocrats have seen this was a great opportunity to steal the nomination from the people.
Well steal it more anyway.
You just have got to love progressives ability to be their own quest enemy.
“Oligarchy bad, until they agree with me”
Not sure what article you’re reading, but this one didn’t seem to imply the reason for ceasing donations was being against oligarchy. So I’m not sure what point you’re making?
He’s making a strawman
So I’m not sure what point you’re making?
That the influence of the ultra-wealthy on elections is derided by some until an ultra-wealthy donor is found who agrees with them.
Isn’t the push behind Biden “making the best of a bad system”? Which seems to be exactly the same sentiment behind “I don’t like the oligarchs but it’s useful that they agree with me.”
Isn’t the push behind Biden “making the best of a bad system”?
Unless the ‘bad system’ is the opinions of the US electorate, no.
You think Biden is a legitimately good candidate and not just worth rallying behind to stop Trump?
No, I think Biden is the candidate who has the widest support in the electorate, which is why he’s worth rallying behind to stop Trump.
That’s literally “making the best of a bad system”
You don’t like the choice you’re making, but you’re picking what you perceive as the “least bad”.