I wonder what the proportion of bots to actual gamergate incel chuds who idolise Musk was.
I wonder what the proportion of bots to actual gamergate incel chuds who idolise Musk was.
Death of the author implies the author being dead (like, say, Lovecraft) and unable to cash in on your fame to fund their problematic crusades.
Anyway, as far as Hogwarts houses go, if you put one in your bio, you’ll start getting attention from ladies with floral names convinced that you’re also Concerned about “gender ideology in schools” or whatever.
The Marxist schoolteachers not only give you a new gender, complete with a unique set of pronouns, they assign you a fursona, which corresponds to a litterbox in the hallway. It’s like Hogwarts houses for non-transphobes.
The Swumbles Big Jumble naming scheme can probably be traced to ZX Spectrum games coded by 15-year-olds in northern England in 1983 or so
Wouldn’t this be about the time anti-SLAPP laws come down on Musk like a tonne of bricks?
Modifying the built-in Uyghur-detection algorithms to instead detect Palestinians was probably conveniently easy
I once heard a story about a classroom in which the kids were passing notes to each other, each of them signed with the made-up name “Dick Stroker”. The teacher captured one of the notes, opened it, and said to the class “who is this Dick Stroker?”. Cue uncontrollable mass laughter.
Speculative execution is hard
That’s true, but there aren’t enough of them to carry the election by themselves. They need enough moderates/swinging voters who will back them because they feel meh and it’s time for a change, and for this they need to avoid spooking them.
The fact that Starmer ran a health-care privatisation advocate against him shows arrogance: “support the rightmost extents of possible Labour policy or be counted with the antisemites”.
I liked her song “Stop”. It’s a pity she went fascist.
Ladies and gentlemen, the conservatives of the Grand Old Party.
New Brendan Eich just dropped
An Apple bidet which adds a colonic health section to your Health app
OTOH, this is Newsweek. Take it with a grain of salt, pending confirmation from a more credible source.
If he does end up in The Hague, the IDF raid to free him will turn out to have been conducted with extensive UK assistance.
* golf clap *