It’s all traceable.
LA has worse
Why does US continue to attract so many immigrants across the economic scale and education level
Is there a way to block inline images
I recommend therapy.
Poe’s law detector fail
Nazism is a very small subset of fascism, they are not equivalent. Nazi also carries VERY heavy baggage which is inapplicable to Trump. Use the right terms.
It’s dumb to call Trump a nazi and the populist wing of the Republican party nazis.
It’s not even clever at this point, maybe it was edgy and transgressive like 7 years ago.
The reason it’s dumb is that you are wasting all of your powerful language and you will have no more if things get worse. Boy who cried wolf. Just like people did to racist which used to carry great power and now is basically meaningless as a powerful descriptor.
It’s wild to me that we’re having a discussion about Israel in these comments, voters told us exactly what their major concerns were and they were economic and it wasn’t even close. Foreign policy, trans issues, etc are all hot button topics easy to argue over but voters felt the economy was bad and that’s the biggest reason Trump won.
Sir it’s 2025
Mormon missionaries go everywhere. I have met Mongolian mormons.
Dress codes and grooming standards are always the same between the sexes true
Moreover he knew this requirement going in. Who cares. Go to another school if you don’t like the policies of the cult school
Right, why would I bother with the reddit IPO? IPO pricing is all over the place. If I want it - I don’t - I’ll buy it day 1.
Some communities have always made it hard for Spring Breakers but I agree, momentum is building.
It’s not all of a sudden. The Spring Break crowd has been controversial for decades. Bar and hotel owners of course love them. Locals unaffiliated with the tourism industry are more ambivalent and always have been.
Yeah this seems crazy. We should just require Israel to set forth and protect a humanitarian corridor. We have a ton of leverage against Israel.
Start trying Linux now using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). It’s a great way to dip your toe in the water, and your computer can run it today.
Race is not a biological term but it’s absolutely a sociological term, i.e. a complex social construct we’ve created based on superficial physical characteristics
Misgendering is a very mild form of disrespect compared to what all is out there, regularly, on X and every other social media site. It is a good thing that these sites do not generally regulate disrespect, although for community controlled forums (such as subreddits) I think it’s good that moderators can choose their own rules.
More gun fetishists acting psychotically.