How very strange and unexpected that, even though you are very interested in informing people about regret rates and informed consent of medical interventions, you’ve only chosen to actually do so for one of the least problematic interventions following your criteria. I wonder why?
I don’t think you are telling the truth, but in case you are: I am sorry that this happened, and that both you and the young people went through this.
How do you know? Were all those cases not properly reported?
I sincerely hope that you reported those medical professionals for malpractice, as they apparently didn’t follow the existing laws and regulations. Did you do that? What came out of it?
How do you come to terms with the effect your own behavior has on trans people? You are asking to make transitioning even harder, even though the process is already extremely long, especially considering the danger of suicide non-transitioned trans people have. You might have saved those 11 young people from their fate, while condemning hundreds of other young people to suicide by preventing them from transitioning earlier.
Since transitioning already has such a long process before anything happens, and the statistics show a marked decrease in suicide rates while also showing extremely low levels of regret (with most regret being caused by social non-acceptance), you’re asking for (and causing) more trans people to die. Sorry, but there’s no way around that fact.