Yep I am not giving to many conspiracies but I do believe he cheated in many states. Only how he could win the popular vote. But unfortunately he still won because of sexiest and racist.
Yep I am not giving to many conspiracies but I do believe he cheated in many states. Only how he could win the popular vote. But unfortunately he still won because of sexiest and racist.
Basically America is about to fail hard very quickly. I say in the first 100 days we will be all living in a great depression. Hope I am wrong. But they did have 4 years to better prepare for this. Project 2025 is coming yall hope you’re ready.
Yeah I can see how women message first will tank a dating app. That fucking stupid. I get it that women get bombarded with messages from guys on dating apps. But guess what all the time I used the apps 0% was I ever messaged by a woman.
Women don’t chase men because they don’t have too. I knew several women I help set up their dating profiles. They would get a 1000 hits, mostly guys says “hey” or the worse be :hey baby".
How I realize just how easy and why I never had problems with dating apps. You got to give a woman more then hey and calling them baby is just cringe. Then you get the guys straight up asking for sex or nudes. Anyways point is having the app where the men can’t make a move unless the women contact you? Will not work wtf was she thinking?
Hell most of them like to just scroll, none of them were interested in making the first move.
Fuck that FlyingSquid I’m not running. My boys are LGBTQ and guess what I am going use my second admenment rights to protect them.
Lets not run I know your in same boat as me in a way except I’m not Jewish but goddammit lets not run lets fight. The fuck if I’m going stand back and watch the same shit that happen in Germany happen here. You shouldn’t either.
We have the play book we know where this is leading, so we should have advantage to stop it. First we will try voting this November if that doesn’t work then it’s the next steps.
If Trump wins then that exactly what we will need to do. I hate it but as a father of LGBTQ teens motherfuckers going die trying to take my kids away to some camp.
I will fight when the time comes.
Will be big waste of time and money because Trump is immune. All there law suits get automatically dismissed.
Yep he is telling us exactly how he will rule if he wins in November.
2 years he might come to regret that decision in January when Trump usess his new powers to lock his ass up.
If fucking Biden lose in November he better use that new gift to stop Trump. Dumbass really wants to use this to fundraiser on, Biden so out of fucking touch he got no clue that we are just this vote away from a Christofascist state.
The media gave her that because of AOC. They wanted the maga crowd to have an alternative.
For now but one day some corporation will buy Steam and turn into the endshitcation like all the rest.
Until that time will try to enjoy it while we can.
What was their reason for this decision? Did they even give one. It’s time we remove the Supreme Court from office and put them in the street.
Probably to late but Biden looks so weak right now. I knew this debate was a no win for Biden.
Yeah watched after his last rant the moderater said he had 37 seconds to answer the actual question asked and then allowed him to rant for another fucking minute and half. Then gave Biden 30 seconds to give a weak ass answer.
Why is Biden acting like he doesn’t know where he is? What the fuck.
That what they want. I think these fuckers think it will go to the Supreme Court and that they will side in their favor.
Lets hope our Supreme Court isn’t that fucking corrupt. If they do we need to rise up? No more fucking around.
He should run as an independent and lets help him his seat.
Basically doctors fucked up and removed staples too soon. They did this to my ex after our second son was born. Took the staples out and she almost died from sepsis.
Yeah I see this happening. Just like our governor in Oklahoma made it illegal to out law plastic bags when one city voted to do just that.
No, I haven’t added nothing. I was going code a basic html 5 page but I wanted a blog like atmosphere, since the website is all about my writing.
What are alternatives of WordPress if I wanted to add something to my website?
Yep, me too all because they were brown. Racism was always the point of Trump deportation stick. And fucking mega base is loving it. We can thank those who set at the election and the never Harris crowd for now all stuck in this hellhole. Except for FlyingSquid who luckily was able to escape. But fucking people had just voted he would had to escape which probably wasn’t easy.