That’s ok, I describe conservative as pig fucker.
If we’re just making up meanings for words, they may as well be more descriptive.
That’s ok, I describe conservative as pig fucker.
If we’re just making up meanings for words, they may as well be more descriptive.
Not according to DeSantis. Only he gets to decide what kind of sexual expression we’re allowed.
And yet child beauty pageants will still be up and running.
Just in time, Trump needs a new water boy
There’s a ton of right wing sites that would tell you eliminating the cap is a complete waste of time horrible for the economy, bringer of the end of days, etc.
Bezos, like many ultra wealthy, most likely paid himself some token amount in wages. Many CEO’s used to pay themselves $1, just to say they had an income. They have accountants that decide how much he should claim as wages, just to maximize the returns from Social Security, without paying into it any more than needed.
Removing the cap would go a long way, but it’s not enough by itself. We’ll still need more people, or a time machine with a fertility clinic in it. From what I can tell, boomers seem to be thinking we’re going to find that time machine somehow.
No one claimed white people were short on idiots.
I’d be happier if there and actual identity control system in our credit system. Identity theft is stupidly difficult to clean up.
Now try to get them to pass a minimum age for marriage.
Kinda sad really, but traveling up the east coast this year and we can see it in the towns we visit. The social gatherings are more segregated than usual, and they weren’t integrated to begin with. Folks all looking at each other with a side eye, especially along the black/white divide.
There’s too many shit stirrers in this stew.
For the most part, the left would absolutely have someone executed for treason. The left is loyal to ideals, not people. It wouldn’t matter if it were Biden or Trump.
The authoririan left, who might have a problem if it were ‘their guy’ don’t have any loyalty to Biden, because he’s not a communist or populist leader.
DeSantia new guard is intentionally selected to be ready to act against liberal cities. He’s creating the blue print for modern gestapo.
I mean it is Arkansas, so can you really blame her?
I’m betting garbage trucks actually end up being first. A half dozen trucks per human monitor sitting back at the station, with two guys in a pickup to run out to any problems.
They don’t need the main engine to use the bow thruster, any one of the backup generators is enough to power it. Even if they were moving too slow for the rudder to give steerage.
The boat turned off without being told to turn off. With dual generators, and dual auxiliary backups, they lost power to the whole boat. That’s not including the main 55k hp engine. Bad fuel can take out an engine, not 5 of them running from different tanks all at once.
Is it really a claim when there’s direct evidence to the fact?
If not for Reagan, then Newt never would have been elected. Id not for Nixon, then Reagan never would have been elected.
It a continuous line of fail that goes back to the founding of the country.
Overall the efforts never stopped, specific ops tend to get aged out on a regular basis. There’s always something, it’s just usually someone else after a few months.
Send the supreme court to Guantanamo for a weekend interrogation. Then let them think about how immune a president is.