Have you tried Ardour?
Have you tried Ardour?
Second OpenTTD - that’ll keep you busy
Already has - air Canada was held liable for their ai chatbot giving wrong information that a guy used to buy bereavement tickets. They tried to claim they weren’t responsible for what it said, but the judge found otherwise. They had to pay damages.
Core rope memory?
Memory density is about 2.5MB per cubic metre, might need to buy a warehouse to store it.
Iirc just recently they started giving out blue ticks to people with lots of followers, regardless of if they wanted it. Then this week they make it so you can’t hide them. It seems like a dim move - piss off the people who bring lots of traffic to your website, but actively decided to not get a blue tick, by forcing the tick on them.
If they didn’t leave beforehand, maybe this would make some people/orgs consider leaving?
The fish and chip co-op that used to be nearby was the best - trawlers parked out the back, super fresh produce, generous portions and reasonable prices.
A lot of the new systems can use battery powered cameras that are motion activated - they can last for a month+ on battery because they only turn fully on when they detect motion.
You’re right though - if it’s mission critical don’t rely on wireless.
Did it play fine to begin with before you ripped it?
Ok I know everyone has said about Firefox + ublock which is a great option, but another option is Edge. It’s built in adblocker is surprisingly effective.
Really, you need some form of adblocker to make the web usable again.
You should read this page: https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface/wiki/Installation-and-Setup
It’s very detailed about what to do to get stuff working (on lots of distros), and what currently isn’t working (see camera support etc)
I took a look in the past but deemed it too much of a compromise at the time for what wasn’t working.
The only thing I’ve found that Firefox didn’t work right with is certain SharePoint features, which unfortunately is a show stopper for me.
I think it depends on the game.
Need something fast paced, where the options don’t really matter? Go with just labels and don’t show the script.
Need fast paced but it matters? Go with the other commenter’s game that has a time limit while still showing scripts.
Slow and doesn’t matter? Do what you like, it doesn’t matter.
Slow and matters? Think Fallout: New Vegas - excellent script detail and what you choose makes a big difference
Possibly OpenTTD?
Same developer but different games, from what I can tell he released Transport Tycoon first, then Locomotion which had ?better graphics and less complexity?
I’ll have to try openloco, I’ve only ever played OpenTTD and it’s pretty good