Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • As a Utahn, it pisses me off that we still have fucking coal plants here. We have 200-250 days of sun here. Shit, we’re at 4-5000 feet of elevation, so the solar flux is fucking intense. Why the fuck haven’t we built solar panels and shut these plants down? Why aren’t our reservoirs covered in at least some number of panels to cut the evaporation? Rather than fix that, let’s scum up the air for us and our neighbors with our shitty 1900s era coal plants and our fucking oil refineries that help contribute to some of the worst air quality in North America when an inversion hits Salt Lake City.

    I have nothing but contempt for the basket of cunts our gerrymandered districts keep shitting out. It’s amazing how ugly the politics can be in such a beautiful place.

  • The article mentions this, but this is the second time this piece of software has been in the news in as many years. Last year they had an SQL injection vulnerability on an unauthenticated page that was widely exploited to grab all kinds of juicy data. This year, it appears like their dumb, closed source SSH library may be responsible for allowing unauthenticated access.

    I’m excited to see what vulnerability 2025 will bring. Maybe this will push more people to use audited open source code like openssh and the tooling built around it. I’m pretty sure sshd is compliant with HIPAA and PCI.