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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • The draft guidelines would have lowered the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies. The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    Makes sense, a 6 year old won’t have boobs to mastectomy and any adult trying to get a 6 year old a breast enhancement needs to be [redacted], pretty much all of medical science advocates against surgeries of this nature before a body is fully grown unless there something really REALLY serious to modify the risk assessment so having some legislative ban is just fucking ridiculous, facial surgeries are given to literal babies with cleft pallets, and puberty blockers aren’t the same thing as E or T.

    A two-page explainer on gender-affirming care that is frequently cited by federal officials stated that gender-affirming surgeries were “typically used in adulthood or case-by-case in adolescence,” leaving the door open to surgery for minors in some instances.

    No shit, its all going to be case by fucking case. Transgender people aren’t a fucking monolith, there won’t be a one size fits all treatment that works for every transgender person. That’s the whole fucking point of a person going to seek medical professionals in the first place, to figure their shit out with the professionals whose whole job is to have a good idea what can/needs to be done.

    That’s the whole problem of any type of legislation making a barrier between a patient and the whole of a nations medical system. You either make the rule because you’re a bigot politican, or you make the rule because you’re an ignorant politician. There is no third option

  • So, first, the invasion has already happened. So “not invading” isn’t an option any more.

    Second, the USA by way of NATO has been antagonizing the “East” for… longer than I’ve been alive. Usually we just start one sided military conflicts in third world countries with such a lack of air power and anti-armor capability that our military just rolls through the country where the biggest loss of life and equipment on the USA’s side are after the occupation begins and the troops are just sitting around waiting to get sniped or drive near an IED.

    It just so happened that antagonizing the second world country of Russia, thinking it was a third world country, finally wound up biting the ass of USA/NATO when Russia decided to invade Ukraine. You rattle your saber long enough and loud enough at a right wing government and eventually they’re going to pull out their sabre.

    So, since nobody can unfuck this sheep, best course of action is probably to allow the Ukraine government to admit defeat and sue for peace instead of forcing them to keep trying to fight a war they can’t win (but military contractors will make mad money off of). They’ve lost a chunk of territory that will either stay Russian directly through open occupation or be Russian aligned autonomous states that will absolutely NEED to keep the Russian military around to help fight off the terrorist attacks either from Ukrainian actors or carried out by non-Ukrainian actors using Ukraine as the safe highway to get to Russia aligned states or Russia itself.

  • In what way are these Indian students trying to cheat the system?

    Seems like the issue is that the rules are in the process of being changed (or are changed?) after these students spent however many years going to to school before the rules changed.

    Work in these job sectors? You’re valuable (until the next rule change that will retroactively label you as “disposable labor”).

    Work in those job sectors? You’re disposable labor whose use is no longer needed, here’s your deportation papers (until the next rule change that will retroactively label you as “valued labor”).