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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I kind of get it, but maybe I also don’t fully understand what trans health care for kids is all about. (I’m not against it btw)

    You can’t get a tattoo before you’re 18 because that’s (somewhat) permanent. Does trans care interfere with puberty in a way that’s irreversible?

    I also realize what I just typed is probably comparing apples to oranges… maybe the people passing these laws are thinking the kids will grow up and change their minds - does that actually happen? (I doubt it, but just asking because I don’t know.)

  • I was speaking from experience. My old tendinitis injury seems to return briefly whenever a cold rain is about to happen.


    lol. I’ll have to pay more attention in the future. I swear it’s true tho.

    Does research matter when you have personal experience?

    That’s a fair question. And it’s something I’ve even heard in TV commercials about headache medicines: “I don’t care about the research. I just know what works for me.” But it’s worth remembering that humans have a remarkable tendency to remember when two things occur or change together (such as wet, gloomy weather and joint pain), but remember less when things do not occur together. That rainy day when you felt no better or worse is unlikely to be so notable that you remember it. If you rely solely on memory rather than on more rigorous, data-based evidence, it’s easy to conclude a link exists where, in fact, none does.