Diva (she/her)

I make electronic music. (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

Хацунэ Мику издание Уралвагонзавода

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Biden did not advocate for genocide. He is absolutely NOT a “genocider,” nor did he advocate for genocide at any time in his political career.

    Why are there multiple US aircraft carriers trying to break the blockade of the genocidal ethnostate happening in the red sea? Why is Biden trying to pass the fasicsts border bill so that he can get more ‘bipartisan’ funding for Israel?

    On the subject of the genocidal ethnostates existence, Biden has said multiple times “if Israel did not exist, the US would have to create it to protect our interests in the region”. It’s because of cynical geopolitical calculus that Israel is supported to the end, even if that end is a pile of Palestinian corpses rivalling the brutality of the worlds worst dictators.

    You are obviously a propagandist.

  • And I think you are grossly overestimating our influence. Israel isn’t some third-world country that survives on American charity. They not only produce their own weapons, they sell them to countries including the US. Netanyahu has also explicitly said he won’t stop no matter what; he’s fighting a holy war, and would believe he would strap bombs to children before he stopped.

    There are US aircraft carriers working to open sea shipping for Israel, they are completely reliant on US funding and protection. It’s a colony with America as its primary patron, if the patron pulls support, the colony crumbles.

    Biden has said “if israel didn’t exist we would have to create it to protect our interests” that calculus is why he is doing this, and it’s not something I want to be a part of.

    Biden can at least be reasoned with like an adult. Trump is a belligerent child.

    This line doesn’t really work on someone who is exasperated that literally every democrat representative I have is completely unreachable on the tens of thousands of people getting killed with our weapons.

  • it’s never been Democrats but Republicans marginalizing us.

    Excuse me, what? Neither party has been welcoming to trans people until extremely recently. Democrats uphold the police state, and have historically been just as willing to use police violence to crack down on trans people. you know Stonewall? As in the riot against police raids- literally had a Democrat mayor at the time.

    Obama only ‘evolved’ on gay marriage in 2015, have you seen how transphobic early 2000s mainstream democrats were? How short is your historical horizon for ‘never’ exactly? I would urge you to question your blind devotion to team blue, and read some queer history, frankly.

    How can you possibly think Democrats will be the ones to start vilifying queer people when they have no past history of doing so?

    No past history, They’re literally complicit in the murder of tens of thousands of people, literally civilians, as we speak. Because they have made the calculation that it will not impact them politically. You don’t see that as some sort of indication that you should not trust them?

    If it suddenly became as politically ‘impossible’ to protect trans people as it is currently ‘impossible’ to stop the genocide of Palestine, I have no expectation that the people doing this genocide would stand by their principles to do something to protect a different minority group.

  • Look, I’m not going to vote for the guy and you’re not going to logic me into it either.

    Do you understand what I mean when I say I cannot view the Democrats as credible allies? If they’re willing to turn a blind eye to this because they view it as electorally feasible for them to do so, how exactly can we expect to not be next on the chopping block.

    I don’t view this genocide as inevitable or unavoidable, Biden has the power to stop it by withholding the weapons being used for it and the military support for it.

    One trans woman has already burned herself up in protest and I know for a fact that she’s not alone in her sentiments at this point. You cannot browbeat people into voting based on threats from the other side, expecting to be immune to response. People voicing dissent have legitimate grievances which are being ignored to our collective peril.

  • I am not going to debate you on the abusive behavior I’ve experienced from your fellow cultists. You literally are incapable of taking any dissent because it’s violating one of your core beliefs (voting for the lesser evil is the only path forward).

    It’s really funny to have you accusing me of ‘thought terminating cliches’ because I view you lot as cultlike. I literally have an inbox full of people trying to do emotional manipulation on me, enforcing a narrow binary choice as if it’s the difference between evil and good.

    Also on the subject of ‘thought terminating cliches’ I will routinely get called out for being russian or something equally xenophobic, or called a bot or a shill. I have skin in this and I would love for the democrats to actually live up to what people expect. I have been nothing but disappointed by them.

    You have your own little echo chamber full of people all with the same ‘with us or against us’ sentiments who will roll up and hurl abuse at people for voicing wrongthink (I had one person earlier today that was just repeatedly intentionally misgendering me over this, real ally behavior)