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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It wouldn’t even have to be something that radical. The fact is the problems with Israel and Palestine have more to do with Congress than they do with biden. If they decided to not run Biden they would most likely choose a congressman in a safe seat. Likely from a blue state. With large Jewish population and AIPAC funding. And now we’re right back where we started. Well right back where we started at best. The candidate could be even more pro-israel than Biden is. And the party will end up weaker, with actual decent Democrats struggling even harder to accomplish something. As the unified fascist front votes for whoever they are given as candidate.

    If Biden’s age were actually an issue. They would be hitting Trump almost exactly as hard on his age. They are not. If Biden’s stance on Palestine were the problem they would be hitting Trump harder on Palestine they are not. The truth is while presidents or individuals. They are ultimately the sum of their administration.

    While Biden was one of my least favorite Democrats in 2020. He’s far outpaced my expectations for him. And the fact that a number in his administration have resigned in protest. Gives me hope and confidence enough to go forward. Because I know there are others still there who feel the same.

  • It’s accelerationist. You and I can openly talk about America’s failures and discuss the disasters objectively. The fascists at the levers of power that run roughshod over the United States government for the last century. Precisely because we actually want to improve things and to help people.

    Accelerationist don’t. Or at least they think they do in a warped and twisted way where the only way to do it. Is to destroy the west, to destroy its governments, to injure the people. And then only once everything has collapsed can they build them back up into a system. Which objectively has been shown to be no better than the system they currently have. But in their eyes would magically somehow be better.

    It’s manic, cultish Behavior. As an actual leftist in a red State I definitely don’t see that type around here. But I’m sure in more liberal areas they exist. Really though more than anything it’s just a demonstration that even those of us on the left are acutely vulnerable to propaganda and radicalization as well as being indoctrinated into cults.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldCNN's debate was no fair fight
    3 days ago

    History, procedure, common sense, and logic all said that was what was going to happen. They didn’t cancel the primaries. They never started the primaries. A lot of states started holding primaries assuming the incumbent wasn’t running again. But that was never the case. Biden never said that he was only going to run the one time and not again. People in his orbit discussed that he might do that. But that was nothing that he said or that they ever committed to.

    You and I are welcome to believe this what he should have done. But historically if an incumbent decides to run for another Term. No party ever Has primaried them. We can criticize Biden on not telegraphing that well enough. That’s fair. We can absolutely criticized Biden on things like that. But policy-wise and as far as his administration goes. He’s been fairly popular and consequential. Despite the one really big issue which seems to be all people want to talk about ignoring the fascist in the room.

  • If all debates for like that one. I would not miss a single debate. He cut through the b******* and got straight to the answers or not answers as the case may be. Which is what a debate moderator should do. A debate moderator is not intended to be a personified a cue card. The Talking Heads at CNN failed even harder than I ever thought they could with their moderation.

  • Yes that’s the guy! If anyone hasn’t seen the video. Even if you generally hate debates. Even if you generally can’t stand to hear republicans. It’s absolutely riveting. I don’t think most people have actually seen what a real debate looks like. And that’s by design. If they were all like that. I think things would be a damn sight better. They’re also used to being pampered, going overtime, and talking over each other. He just cuts them the fuck off as it should be. In the middle of trying to answer questions other than the ones he asked.

  • That could just be down to the author and their aptitude. Lot of people writing field guides aren’t exactly scientifically minded or trained. Because fungus really are kind of anti plants in many ways. It’s sort of like the distinction between fruits and vegetable for tomatoes. For most people tomatoes have always been and will always be vegetables. Despite having long been classified scientifically as a fruit. And pineapples are berries.

  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.