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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Dude I wish. I’d love to be able to point you in the right direction but getting this all working for me was just the product.of determination and posts / videos from all over the place.

    I can tell you that adding proxmox to the equation made things way more complicated. And that vlans are not intuitive.

    My advice would be to just kind of go for it. I ended up needing a smart switch, a mul5i nic pace card, a regular switch, and two access points (you could get a vlan aware access point but I couldn’t find anything that made sense price wise).

    The whole thing took days to set up. I frequently didn’t know why things weren’t working. It sucked.

    You can pm me if you get stuck and I can try to give you a hand buy the frustrating truth I learned about the process was that I was kind of on my own since every set up is kind of unique based on your hardware.

    I’m glad its done but doing it frankly sucked…

  • My ides for a reality.show.is kind of like.a game show. You give people a bunch of cocaine and then send then to work in some sort of quarry breaking rocks. Whoever does the best gets a bunch more cocaine, while the loser just gets a little bit of.cocaine. They’ll work in the quarry for 8 hours a day with their off time spent however they’d like in a group living situation. Probably doing their cocaine. At the end of every week the person with the least amount of cocaine is disqualified. The prize for winning is a shit load of cocaine.

    That’s it. That’s the show. It would be important to select.people that would actually do the cocaine. No teetotalers. Also: open bar.

  • My father bounced on my mother, thinking me and my twin sister died during childbirth. We were split up to keep.it that way. She grew up like royalty, with everything a child could possibly want or need, while I grew up in the desert with my aunt and uncle, who were both unfortunately killed while.I was in my late teens.

    They’d lied to me about who my father really was after I was reunited with my sister, and the first time I ever met him I found out first hand how cruel he could be and I unfortunately lost my hand in the fray.

    Despite this, he tried everything he could to get me to come work for him and his asshole boss. And mentor.

    Ultimately he redeemed himself when he threw that wrinkled prick.down an 3levator shaft, but died soon after.

    Life’s a mess.

  • Like. I can’t even rub Wayland on my 4090. Its a black screen. This happens with manjaro kde. With mint I can at least see my (frozen, unresponsive, unusable) desktop.

    This all sounds cool and stuff but I kind of wish people would, like, shut the fuck up about Wayland? My understanding is that NY experience.is far from unique. People that own PCs have nvidia cards. Unless “the year of the Linux desktop” involves everyone vaporating anmd cards that magically have cuda cores somehow out of their asses then nothing about Wayland really matters to us.

    You can “get an and” card to me all you want, but here’s the thing: I don’t fucking want one. I use my cuda cores. Its why I spent as much as I did on a 4090.

    I guess 555 is supposed to make Wayland work with nvidia?

    I mean, look. Using an nvidia card with Linux, and getting the requisite drivers working, can be am experience akin to having your has deferens ripped out by an aging badger. I get it. But until I can nvidia while I Wayland I just don’t care. And I’m not alone.

  • It is illegal in Canada to have sexual depictions of a child whether its a real image or you’ve just sat down and drawn it yourself. The rationale being that behavior escalated, and looking at images goes to wanting more

    It borders on thought crime which I feel kind of high about but only pedophiles suffer which I feel great about. There’s no legitimate reason to have sexualized image of a child whether computer geneerate, hand drawn, or whatever.