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Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • As others have said, “in-ear monitors.” However, it’s not technically about the quality. Earphones sit in the outer ear, while IEMs go at least a little bit into the ear canal. They do better with blocking out sound, which is better for audio quality, but sometimes you want to be able to hear things around you, so it’s a matter of context.

    Also, while audiophiles can get wild with it (and there’s a lot of snake oil in that area), I just got some Salnotes Zeros for <$20 and they’re great.

  • even apart from audio quality, Spotify is just plain terrible as a music library.

    For someone who lives in playlists, it might be fine. But I like to pick and choose albums and songs, and be able to sort the whole collection on the fly. Spotify, and unfortunately a whole bunch of the competition, will have three separate lists for “liked” songs, albums, and artists. Only want to save the studio tracks, and not the demos and live versions? Fuck you, you can like the album or not, it’s all or nothing! And the special edition is the only version we have! enjoy the solid hour of shittier versions of the songs you actually wanted!

  • I do appreciate the fact that the Cybertruck was so clearly designed by someone who had no idea how to design a car, and that it’s Musk’s pet project. It really drives another nail in the coffin of the idea that he deserves all the credit for the work his companies do.

    Then again, his most die-hard supporters draw no distinction between ownership and labor. They’re also somehow able to look at a Cybertruck and think “Wow!” rather than “Wow, is this some kind of a joke?”

  • I’m sorry, but I can’t be optimistic about this.

    Even if we accept it was bait, and not just the DNC pivoting to the right, I think it was a losing move. Who is this going to sway? Republicans aren’t the kind to be well-informed and swayed by the changing circumstance of current events, so it won’t peel any of them away. As for the rest, it just shrank the differences between the two parties, whether practically or purely optically. It’s not like this just finally demonstrated that the Republicans were a fucking joke of a party when it comes to actual governance.

    So we showed that the Republicans are incompetent hypocrites, as though that’s new information, and as if that realization would change any hearts or minds. And in exchange for this completely worthless prize, all it cost us was a now bipartisan consensus to push The Big Lie about immigrants. I don’t consider that a victory.

    The DNC is still the lesser evil, and there’s still a significant margin. I just wish that margin was growing because the Democrats were moving left, not because they’re both moving right but at different speeds.

  • If you value freedom of expression, that doesn’t mean you need to extend that to people who fundamentally oppose it. To maximize freedom of expression, you can’t tolerate the people who would outright destroy it.

    It’s also a slippery slope argument. We can just crack down on Nazis. And as for the government cracking down on other groups… they already do that. We see crackdowns on plenty of other demonstrations, with more repression and violence. Tolerating Nazis isn’t helping the good guys, because people in power don’t care about applying the rules evenly. Besides, even if we took the slippery slope seriously, then we have to consider what happens when we just let literal Nazis go about their business.

  • Peskov claimed on Wednesday that Carlson’s position on the conflict with Ukraine is “not pro-Russian by any means, and it’s not pro-Ukrainian; rather, it’s pro-American. But at least it stands in clear contrast to the position of the traditional Anglo-Saxon media.”

    Pffft hahaha, what a fucking racist dork. That’s some 4chan-level shit.

    Also, while I think it’s overall a good article, I think calling Tucker a useful idiot is unfair. When I think of a useful idiot, I think of someone who means well, but is on the wrong side without realizing it. Tucker’s not a smart man, but he knows what he’s doing. If you ever watch his shit (which I only recommend to verify his grift), he’s not just disconnected from reality, but actively contrary to it. He’s trying to poison the well, while inoculating his viewers to reality and any argument based on it. He’s not simply wrong, he’s lying. He knows what he’s doing is wrong, but he’s doing it anyway, for his own benefit.

  • My friend just went through this recently.

    She had significant sinus problems, one side being blocked entirely. Went to see her doctor, went to see a specialist, tried some things, but what she needed was surgery to get rid of polyps. She schedules it, takes off of work, gets a blood test, goes to the surgical center, and as she is being prepped for surgery, finds out they have to cancel, because her insurance was denying a part of the procedure.

    What a huge fucking waste of time and money.

    She did get a reason in the rejection letter, but it just pissed me off even more. The insurance company has a “doctor” who said the procedure might not be necessary, so they want to try doing X and Y first. Things she’s already done. Things her PMC doctor and specialist already know, but this one asshole who sold his soul to an insurance company gets paid to skim shit and say “no.” There are plenty of people in the insurance company structure to hate, but some of them are outright scum.

    Also, to state the obvious, this is just slowing down the misery machine, when we should be dismantling it. I know it will help people, it’s a small victory, and the Republicans will want to turbo-charge said misery machine, but still.