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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I get that the EFF has to say this bill has “laudable goals” for political reasons, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Protecting children is a typical excuse for broad expansion of State power, and this is no different. Don’t be fooled, and remember it’s the democrats who are trying to push this through. Both major political parties in the US are enemies to personal autonomy, one is just more subtle about it. Liberation will never come from within the ruling power structure.

  • I think we gotta work on building community if we want to see people really move away from streaming services. One person with a NAS in a small apartment building could help a lot of their neighbors out with entertainment. It would be more work for the person hosting, but if the folks who benefit help their friend out too it might end up being less work overall.

    I’d give someone access, teach them how to use the software, and download some of their favorite shows if they let me borrow their truck when I needed, shared dinner sometimes, or helped me clean house. I think a lot of folks would benefit from that kind of thing, but it would require us making friends with our neighbors. Which, on reflection, is actually really really hard. I imagine it would be kinda awkward to start the conversations around this, but you’d get around the step of everyone getting their own NAS at least!

  • Or, and hear me out here, we don’t actually need the politicians to act in order to make change. We can do it ourselves.

    At the end of the day, existing government institutions are ways of organizing people, resources, and power. They are structured in such a way that a few are able to hold power over many, forcing all of us to go along with what the richest want out of us. There is no reason to believe these institutions are the only viable means of enacting change. In fact, the long history of inaction by those in power is strong evidence that necessary change cannot come from any existing State apparatus. If the only way to make lasting social change really were through existing institutional channels, then we would be doomed.

    But we are not doomed. We can organize ourselves, in ways that do not introduce perverse incentives for a few who control all. We can topple this crumbling order, and replace it with the chaos of things actually changing. None of this will be easy, and revolution is inherently a dangerous process, but is doing nothing any less dangerous?

    If you believe a different world is possible, you can be part of creating it. There are multiple points of struggle which have revolutionary potential, housing, systemic racism, youth liberation, maybe you can think of one in your community. A problem that, for it to be truly solved, requires radical change beyond what governments can offer, combined with an oppressed population that has the will to make that change. Get involved with a struggle like this if you know of one, expand your conception of what is humanely possible, or just try to get some friends together to do something. Doesn’t have to be a lot, maybe learn about your local wildflowers together, make some garden beds from pallets, just work to form and strengthen the sorts of social bonds we’ll need to survive the coming storm.

    Start making real change today: learn about tenants unions then try to organize one. We don’t need politicians to live longer, we need to take control of our own power.

  • I absolutely agree. We have no idea if its ever even going to happen, Facebook has never had an exodus the way Twitter and Reddit have, for example. There are also a variety of scenarios where Discord fails and no one migrates to decentralized FOSS platforms. Some AI product steals our attention more effectively than social media, or the infrastructure supporting the Internet breaks down, or climate chaos upends all our lives and no one has time for Discord or anything like it. Frankly, I expect something like that to be what does in most online platforms.

    I think you’re right in your original comment, it’s probably not gonna happen.

  • I think we already know what would have to happen to get people to move. Discord needs to screw up and drive people away. Like why most of us are here. Lemmy was around for years, it had most of the problems you list, less software support, fewer communities, higher barrier to entry, it still has most of that actually. Reddit gave Lemmy its chance, by screwing up their own platform, Discord will need to do the same thing to see an exodus.

    That isn’t all though, Revolt needs to be ready, to have communities and people talking about it, while Discord pisses its users off. Matrix already has that capacity, the question is if/when will Discord screw up?