Wasn’t Facebook and Twitter also parroting all this, including members of congress? Vaccine deniers were everywhere during covid, not just on TikTok.
Wasn’t Facebook and Twitter also parroting all this, including members of congress? Vaccine deniers were everywhere during covid, not just on TikTok.
I bet the new algorithm will be pushing push far right content to everyone just like Twitter and Meta, this was a stunt to silence the leftists.
The idea that GPT has a mind and wants to self-preserve is insane. It’s still just text prediction, and all the literature it’s trained on is written by humans with a sense of self preservation, of course it’ll show patterns of talking about self preservation.
It has no idea what self preservation is, even then it only knows it’s an AI because we told it it is. It doesn’t even run continuously anyway, it literally shuts down after every reply and its context fed back in for the next query.
I’m tired of this particular kind of AI clickbait, it needlessly scares people.
What often happens next is the realization that the existing system was handling far more edge cases than it initially appears. You often discover these edge cases when the new system is deployed and someone complains about their use case breaking.
The reverse is also sometimes true and it’s when a rewrite is justifyable.
I’ve worked with many systems that piled up a ton of edge cases handling for things that are no longer possible, it makes the code way harder to follow than it should.
I’ve had successful rewrites that used 10x+ less the amount of code, for more features and significantly more reliable. And completely eliminated many of the edge cases by design.
No but it does show how much capitalism relies on the absolute exploitation of the labor market and the double-standards from the US in that regard. Free market good but only when US companies are the ones fucking everyone over.
At least the EU doesn’t constantly brag about muh freedom and how the free market is the best thing ever and you’re a commie if you don’t agree that capitalism is the best.
It’s amazing how people just make things up. I genuinely have no idea where you got these definitions unless it was some hole on Reddit or similar.
I’m not claiming anything I said is facts, just the way I understand it to be/how it had been explained to me quite a while ago. I could absolutely be wrong, if that’s the case I’ll gladly retract my comment based on new (to me) information. I’m far from qualified to give an authoritative answer on this topic.
The way I understand it is “the government decides to build a factory because the country needs a factory” vs “the people of a region get together and build a factory because they want one”. Well, in either case nobody really owns the factory (compared to capitalism), but rather who’s in charge of it, who decides who works on what and how it comes to be.
Unfortunately the only examples of communism we’ve seen are authoritarian regimes like the Soviet Union, and currently North Korea and China (sort of). I don’t think we have a true socialist community that’s not some form of capitalist hybrid, let alone post-scarcity communism or socialism without massive corruption tainting it.
The federation tends to let member planets be independent, the federation doesn’t come in and be like “we own your planet and we provide for you in return we take everything”, so it’s definitely leaning socialist.
The main difference is who owns the means of production. In communism, the government does. In socialism, the people do.
Both aim to provide for the population at large and not just benefit to a few rich elites that own everything, but socialism is a bit more robust against tyrannical governments.
Heritage President Kevin Roberts made news last week when he said the American right was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
They’re really not hiding it anymore, they straight up want another civil war.
Most modern operating systems randomize the MAC. DHCP does have extra fields such as the device’s hostname that can be used to counter that.
But as I said, that’s unlikely to be the weakest link. If you don’t trust the network you’re also likely in a public environment where people can just see you anyway.
I guess the hostname could be used to defeat MAC randomization if you use public WiFi like hotels, airports and coffee shops. You could probably identify repeat users if you cared enough.
But then your worry should be the security cameras not the WiFi, because that’s what’s gonna tie you personally to your device connecting.
virtiofs is amazing, got my entire Steam library on it. It’s like it’s not there, NVMe speeds no problem.
I get about 350-400 both ways which AFAIK is what my Unifi AC-Lite tops at since it’s WiFi 5 and it’s only got 2 antennas and tops at 80MHz channels. I get about 200-250 on my phone (1+8T) which I think is single stream.
Everything indicates me that’s as best as it can be with the set of hardware I have. Signal is solid, latency is solid.
You’ll need 802.11ax and/or more MIMO streams to get higher speeds, and/or 160MHz/320MHz channels.
You’re connected over WiFi 6.
It’ll depend a lot on your experience. I can just install Arch without reading the wiki at all in about 5 minutes for something fairly vanilla. If you’re comfortable with Linux then following the wiki won’t be too hard, took me maybe 2-3 hours on my first install before I had my DE and everything all set up (12 years ago). If you’ve never used Linux before and take the deep dive then it could take hours and days depending on how fast you can absorb all that information.
“Easy” is very subjective, there’s stuff that’s so dumbed down for the sake of “easy” that it makes my life harder when I need to do more complex stuff. I know people for whom linear algebra in 11 dimensions is easy for them to do and solve. Easy is relative to your own personal experience level and what you’re trying to accomplish.
Install it in a VM as a test run, you’ll see by yourself.
No, simply because even with pure CSS and even pure HTML you can find ways to leak some information about the browser. For example, a background image that only loads on 1920x1080, another for 2560x1440, and so on. Make hundreds of those for every possible resolution (they can be the same file on the server but at a different path), and there you go, you now figured that the client downloaded img/background/2448x1280.png
from the server logs. You can use the same trick for fonts as well, you just apply the same trick on a box on the page that is sized based on text content. Repeat for every font you want to test for.
There’s just a ton of those little features that are for performance optimizations because loading a 4K background on a 480p phone is a bad experience for everyone involved. Sometimes you need to know the size of some elements to position other elements relative to it. You need the mouse cursor position to open popups at the right place. You need the window size to realign popups and modals. You’d have to go back to text based only sites like it’s the 80s and 90s to avoid that kind of fingerprinting.
And thus Tor’s solution: everyone’s got the same window size, same fonts and everything.
And since when have you known any computer to be problem-free?
Software that’s not made from overworked engineers working 80 hours a week pressured to work even faster to complete this week’s sprint.
I’m so tired of “computers are buggy and everyone accepts that”. No! Computers don’t have to be buggy, you just have to not shove trash software on it made by morons doing the bare minimum.
I have software that’s been running on servers for literal years, not a single bug. The hardware’s been sized appropriately and I wrote good, sustainable and maintainable code. My computers all can easily do weeks and months of uptime. I pick up my laptop and open the lid and 100% of the time it wakes up from sleep and it’s ready to go.
The overwhelming majority of “production” and “enterprise quality” code I work with is total garbage that should never have been written and its author never hired in the tech space. We repeatedly get reports on how X car manufacturer was pwned for not following best practices that are a decade or two old.
Corporate greed makes EVs suck because it’s developed for as cheap as possible and the target is “good enough customers tolerate it”. Shit barely works properly when going through the happy path and the error path just… usually crashes your car.
I’ve had to reboot my car at red lights way too fucking often and it’s not even an EV. 2020 model and the infotainment reliably crashes if I have a Slack or Zoom call going because it tries to read the phone number off my phone over Bluetooth and doesn’t know how to handle a null phone number = the radio crashes.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
Obligatory https://youtu.be/xDLvUqhwHZc
Postgres 16 and pict-rs 0.5.16, but neither are critical it’ll just miss features. Like if you use pict-rs 0.4.x then you can’t use the image proxy, but you shouldn’t anyway.
People went there days before the actual ban, but I do wonder how many more came due to those influencers. Would explain why it’s gotten kinda meh since sunday.