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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Right, but this is fundamentally at odds with the ‘Linux for everyone’, ‘Linux for gaming’, and ‘Linux can replace Windows for most use cases’ rhetoric.

    If you enjoy Linux for its own sake and you like fiddling around with it and learning its ins and outs, it’s fantastic. But if you just want the OS to get out of the way so you can get back to what your were doing, it leaves some room for improvement.

    We can’t have both, and that’s fine. There’s also an argument to be made for people getting used to dealing with a command line because it’s something of a prerequisite for getting away from increasingly shady corporate overreach. But that doesn’t help me when the solution to getting my extra mouse buttons and precision mode is to create a well documented bug report for Solaar and then wait. I just want my push to talk to work, you know?

    That gap is definitely shrinking as time goes on, but it’s still an obstacle and it’ll always be part of the conversation around GNU until it’s no longer a concern for one reason or another.

  • There’s no way the ink doesn’t make them even worse. I’ve always loved Canada’s over the top approach to visually discouraging smoking by hijacking half the pack with a picture. My favorite when I smoked cigarettes was the one with the kids giving you a judgemental look.

    Given the numbers in this article, though, I’m not sure how well it’s working.

  • Okay, so as a cab driver I have a lot of opportunities to get frustrated with how selfish and myopic people are. But you know what happens when I do that? I make myself miserable.

    I, personally, find that my mental state is much, much better the more I’m willing to accept people not doing things ‘the right way’. Yes, I could get annoyed for the hypothetical people who might encounter an obstacle to their mobility here (who have not and may not ever arrive), but what will that actually do for me or for anyone else?

    Unless I’m actually moving the obstacle my disapproval is completely useless. It may even cause me to do something stupid and inconsiderate myself as I become distracted by my annoyance.

    But if I just let it go, smile, and move on, the utter insignificance of the action can just fade into the background and not make itself part of my focus on how to reflect on humanity or my day.

  • Ultimately I agree. Open source software is the only software that’s sustainable and that benefits humanity in general more than it benefits some company somewhere. I choose open source software basically whenever I can. I hope that some day in the future that’ll extend into operating systems for personal computing and game servers, but unfortunately that’s not the case at the moment for my use cases.