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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Where are you getting that? That question wasn’t put to SCOTUS.

    Trump was charged. Trump claimed he had “absolute immunity”, and didn’t have to face charges. Court rules against him in this issue; he appealed. Appellate court ruled against him, sending the case back to the trial court. He appealed to SCOTUS. SCOTUS said he doesn’t have absolute immunity, and that the limit of his immunity is on his “official acts”. SCOTUS then sent the case back to the trial court. The trial court will have to determine whether his actions were “official” or “unofficial”.

  • I think that to be eligible to be president, your age as of the last day of your next term should be less than the life expectancy of your constituents. You want to serve longer, you better make sure your constituents live longer.

    As far as Biden stepping aside, I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all. Find a 40- to 50-year-old combat veteran who grew up with wind turbines and solar panels on her family farm, and has been living and working in a blue state for the past 5+ years. Have her run on a platform of “Ok, Boomer”.

    Juxtapose a picture of her running with a pack and rifle against a doctor looking at X-rays of a foot with a magnifying glass. Photos of her family’s wind farm against headlines of Trump denouncing wind turbines. Her smiling at an award or promotion ceremony against Trump’s scowling mugshot.

  • The 15% or 20% guidelines are based on the amount of work performed by the tipped employees (who earn less than minimum wage before tips.) the amount of the check correaponds pretty closely to how much time a waiter has to spend serving a table.

    Drivers are not usually employees; they usually have $0/hr in wages, and pay their own fuel and vehicle expenses. Delivery services typically pay $2 per trip, and a trip will involve 2-4 stops. The base pay from the delivery service does not even cover fuel costs, let alone the driver’s time.

    The amount of work a delivery driver performs is not at all related to the amount of the check. The 15%/20% rules are not remotely close to the amount of work the driver performs. $8 on a $20 order is a garbage tip if it’s a 10-mile delivery to a fourth-floor walkup. $4 on a $70 order might be a decent tip if it’s a 1-mile delivery to a front porch.

    The appropriate tip for delivery is based on mileage, not food price. $1 for pickup, $1 for dropoff, and $1 per mile is a pretty basic tip. A driver can complete about 3, $2 runs per hour. $3 tips gives him a gross income of about $15/hr, and he can net about $10-12 of that after expenses.

  • “Oh, you were misinformed about something worthy of a snopes article, have you considered that you might also be wrong in opposing murder?”

    Yes. That is my question. Is it possible that the same sources and methods by which you came to be misinformed about his mother have also caused you to be misinformed about the actual circumstances of the attack?

    12 jurors all heard the same evidence, and concluded that his use of force was justified against all three of the people he hit, and a fourth that he fired upon and missed. What do you know about the case that leads you to believe differently?

    Were you aware that there was a fourth person to attack Rittenhouse?

    Were you aware that Gaige Grosskreutz (“Byecep”) was live streaming, captured Rittenhouse stating he was going to police, observed him running toward police, and still called for mob violence against Rittenhouse?

    These are all from primary sources: people and video directly involved. They aren’t from reports or commentary. If any of this information is new to you, how confident are you that you now have all the relevant information? How confident should you be?

  • What type of source would you be willing to accept?

    I know that your claims do not arise from primary sources. No audio or video recordings from Kenosha show her to be present. No witnesses for either the prosecution or the defense ever testified to involvement that could be construed as proving your claims. I cite the trial transcripts in supporting mine.

    I will note that you have provided no source for your claims. I know they did not arise from any primary source, but I do not know what secondary source you are relying on. Are you willing to accept major news organizations, such as Associated Press? They reported that false claims of her involvement were widely reported in social media.

    Fact check.org also refuted claims of her involvement.

    Politifact concurred.

    Are you as certain of Rittenhouse’s culpability in the killing of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, as you are about your claims about Wendy Rittenhouse’s involvement?

  • The mother did not drive him to Kenosha, or across state lines, and she was not involved in acquiring the rifle.

    He drove himself to Kenosha. Dominic Black acquired the rifle. It’s unclear whether it was Dominic Black or Rittenhouse who drove him home, but his mother was not in the car. Hours later, his mother drove him to the police station in his home town - not in Kenosha, not in Wisconsin - where he finally surrendered himself.

    Frankly, it’s disgusting that even basic facts of this case are so poorly known. I am still seeing claims that Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz were black.