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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024


  • Is the internet scarier?

    Or is it just millennials and “internet natives” having kids and more of them knowing better what the internet actually is.

    I tell people to imagine a public place with everyone in it, the majority wearing masks or costumes. With constantly recording surveillance. Do you take off your mask.

    Sure the mask is not perfect protection, and there are areas off to the side where people seem to not be wearing masks. But go ahead and choose a way to keep your kids safe.

  • You can’t stop a genocide with reason, to commit a genocide you have to dehumanise people, you’re beyond reason.

    The only response to genocide is materially affecting the perpetrators. The time for diplomacy stops at atrocities.

    Don’t talk to Likud’s supporters about anything. Defund and boycott the country until Likud is not in power.

    That requires speaking to the international community and especially American voters to see what effect they can have on the current president.

  • People will say it’s not the same as the other Boeing incidents.

    They’re right, it’s not.

    Unfortunately this is a new normal.

    The Federal Aviation Authority has succumbed to regulatory capture. The FAA is no longer capable of protecting American’s from poor design and build quality by American manufacturers, or from poor maintenance by American airlines

    The best way to stay safe is to do 2 things:

    1. Choose to fly on Aircraft designed and built in Europe recently, or perhaps America before 2007.

    The FAA had massive budget cuts after the financial the crisis and even though they were meant to be temporary putting the budget back has been a political football ever since. American Aircraft designed and built since those budget cuts are the problem.

    1. Choose an airline that has routes in Europe and not just domestically. That means maintenance is likely to have to comply with a better funded regulatory body in addition to the FAA.

    Do one and 2 and you’ll almost certainly be safe. Aircraft design and build will be as safe as we’d come to expect, so will the maintenance.

    I’d prioritise 1 if you can’t do both. Even though it seems bad, a well designed aircraft losing a piece like this mid flight isn’t going to bring it down. Even if it’s not good enough to catch things like this I’d expect maintenance by domestic American Airlines to still avoid a crash, even without FAA oversight being effective. If a piece falls off, redundancy or simply the fact it’s not critical to flight means the pilot will be able to simply divert and land. Delays, not deaths.

    The problem Boeing has brought in is we’re now flying modern aircraft without redundancy in key systems and structures. The FAA has allowed it. It’s the thing that’s most likely to cause fatal accidents.

  • The problem is artists often make their actual living doing basic boiler plate stuff that gets forgotten quickly.

    In graphics it’s Company logos, advertising, basic graphics for businesses.

    In writing it’s copy for websites, it’s short articles, it’s basic stuff.

    Very few artists want to do these things, they want to create the original work that might not make money at all. That work potentially being a winning lottery ticket but most often being an act of expressing themselves that doesn’t turn into a payday.

    Unfortunately AI is taking work away from artists. It can’t seem to make very good art yet but it can prevent artists who could make good art getting to the point of making it.

    It’s starving out the top end of the creative market by limiting the easy work artists could previously rely on to pay the bills whilst working on the big ideas.

  • Several people are suggesting that’s what’s happening here. Not without reason.

    They have lost their parents. They have them been removed from where they live to a location more easily controlled by Israel. Away from references to the culture Israel dislikes.

    The question about why an orphanage is a dangerous place is the question to ask when justifications for relocation are first put forward.

    Israel should ensure the location they already are is safe from their harm.

  • Ross_audio@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzSocial acceptability
    4 months ago

    Human papillomavirus HPV is responsible for warts on feet.

    So genital warts, mostly HSV (Herpes). Not nice but not particularly harmful most of the time. Cold sores and genital warts. Mouth, genitals. Won’t look nice but you won’t die.

    HPV - cancer.

    Further investigation on the evidence may be required but social acceptability chart above may be justified.

    If you have a foot fetish get vaccinated against HPV everyone.

    Also not googling this. Please take this comment with the respect and authority it deserves. (None)

  • For a fun example to talk about look at Deadmau5’s Purrari.

    The Nyan cat wrapped Ferrari.

    Legally Ferrari had little they could do. There was some things to do with putting a modified badge they could stop. While on finance they could recall the loan due to the modifications affecting the equity in the car.

    But any seller of any product has the backstop that they can ban further purchases and refuse future services. Or even potentially be required to buy their home nation.

    Why would Nitrogen gas suppliers not want this?

    As a global company, do you want to risk losing a major market by supplying a product for executions.

    If you sell your product for executions you are officially selling a poison.

    Do you want the regulation involved to have to background check every customer to ensure they are not using it for lethal purposes?

    Do you want the additional import and export controls on your product?

    Are you held liable in any way if someone deliberately uses your product for euthanasia or suicide? Potentially. That’s why several countries have limits on the volume of paracetamol an individual can purchase.

    The Terms of Service is a sticking plaster, probably not even enforceable, but the bare minimum to avoid further regulations on the industry. But it’s certainly worth nitrogen gas suppliers trying to avoid themselves being dragged into a hornets nest of politics, morality, and costly regulation.

    Banning a small customer, in prisons, from buying your product could save you a lot of money in the long run.