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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure, I also wish monarchies are cut of the tax payers spigot.

    But why are you making this such a big point of having a rich old white dick getting preferential treatment? I thought you loved that shit in the USA. I thought the AMERICAN dream is to become a rich old white dick to get that sweet preferential (tax) treatment. To get your rich old white children get the same benefits through generational wealth.

    Be mad that in the EU people can pay for both a rich old white dude play a monarch and socialized healthcare. While ever time you try and do something similar all the old white dicks crawl out of the woodwork to tell “HoW cAn We EvEr PaY fOr ThAt?!”

  • If we talk about solutions: python has plenty. Which might be overwhelming to the user.

    I use Direnv to manage my python projects. I just have to add layout pyenv 3.12.0 on top and it will create the virtual environment for me. And it will set my shell up to use that virtual environment as I enter that directory. And reset back to default when I leave the directory.

    But you could use pipenv, poetry, pdm, conda, mamba for your environment management. Pip and python do not care.