• 101 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I have a couple of concerns with this.

    The first being if some states are going to try to use this against any kids charged with being child sex offenders, like several states have done with teenagers who have sex with each other (or have nude pictures of each other).

    An additional concern is obviously conservatives trying to use this against trans people and drag queens, whom they are already trying to define as sex offenders just for existing in public.

    Another concern or just question is…is this meant to be a deterrent? And is it even effective in that? For a lot of child sex offenders, a major component of the pleasure derived is from having power over the child in question. Removing their genitals wouldn’t necessarily change that? It’s possible it may even have them turn more to violence toward children as their outlet.

    I’m just wondering on the effectiveness of this method. Is there any evidence at all or is this being done on an emotional whim?

  • It’s actually interesting looking at what traits seem scary, but are actually massively negative in the wild. Like, there were a bunch of people freaking out about that modified salmon that grows three times faster (and requires 3 times the amount of food to compensate).

    If that ever escaped into the wild, it would die. Period. The only way it stays alive is by being fed directly and by not having to use its energy to swim a lot. There is no advantage in the wild for growing 3 times faster. Heck, because of that, it likely wouldn’t even match up with the spawning season properly.

  • I just want to put this general information out there to counter any potential misinformation pushers here or anywhere on this topic.

    The ICC recognizes the Palestinian Authority and the State of Palestine as a state actor, not Hamas. And the PA ratified the Rome Statute in 2015, submitting their instrument of accession. Other partially recognized states are also free to join the Rome Statute if they choose, such as Taiwan, Kosovo, and more. The former is actually considering to do so as of last year in order to have more protections against China.

    So, yes, Palestine is fully allowed recognition and jurisdiction by the ICC. This was helped by the UN making the State of Palestine an official non-member observer state in 2012.