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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Surgical tech here!

    We do these (breast reduction surgeries on men) every now and then. Not super often… I’ve been in maybe 10 of them? Of the ones I’ve been in, one was a dude with breast cancer - chopped out the cancer, then chopped down the other moob so they’d heal to be the same size. All of the other ones were gym rats who took steroids and grew some boobs. None were overweight.

    I’ve only been in a handful, so grain of salt, but in my experience weight is NOT a factor.


    …and this seems like a good time for a plug: Men can 100% get breast cancer. Not often, but possible. If any of you fellas feel a weird lump in your moobs, DO NOT hesitate to get it checked out!!

  • Ate out with the wife tonight, and got an unexpected political back-to-back: the restaurant had CNN playing on one end of my field of view, and Fox on the other.

    CNN reported on all kinds of shit. Every time I looked up, different topic. They went back to the upcoming debate and the Gaza genocide a couple times, but otherwise just an even spread of unfolding events.

    Fox spent most of the time talking about how left wing media will spin the debate to make Trump look like an extremist; and then a few small snips about how illegal immigrants are terrorizing our society and getting our youth hooked on fentanyl. They even managed to bitch about Hillary lol, although I missed the context… assuming they’re still rambling about emails.

    People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.

  • It works in the US, too. I’ve gotten great care at the VA (no, seriously… they have a bad reputation, and the infrastructure is ghetto as fuck, but the actual quality of care is great).

    There’s also the USPHS, but honestly I’ve never actually met someone who joined or seen one of their facilities… I think they mostly do humanitarian stuff overseas?

    Point being, we have the framework for it already. I could see the VA expanding it’s mission/coverage to spouses/families of vets, and use that as the baby step into coverage for everyone. Fun bonus: state law can suck a dick on federal facilities, so all the rednecks can write as much misogynistic legislation as they want locally, but Susie’s rights suddenly return the second she steps into federal property, even if it’s a hospital in the middle of Y’all Quaeda territory.