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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I mean also it just seems like a case of normalization. You start out with slow meaningless MTX then you move it more and more. Hell its a bit odd since I’m glad there was some outrage over the MTX in this game but as you said its most likely due to the increase to $70 usd which is a slap in the face to deal with MTX in a fucking single player game but Capcom is one of the shittiest companies when it comes to dumb/pointless MTX.

    Monster Hunter, Devil may cry, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all have this kind of shit with very little peeps about it. So you basically hit the nail on the head on this on why there was such a big outrage this time around. Also I’m really surprised fucking Street Fighter doesn’t, the literal poster child of pointless/odd additions which in a funny way has actually only gotten better in the digital age. I’m not a big fighting game fan but season passes have sort of solved having so many fucking editions of a single game. Like holy shit there were 5 fucking versions of Street Fighter 2 in a span of 3 years. 3 versions of SF3 in 3 years.

    Edit: marked by bold, I was tired when writing this comment and seems I just forgot to finish my full thought before posting.

  • I think you aren’t thinking out this problem. While its not great that the IRS “targets” the poor. Its just simply they are the least likely to fight back against and will pay their debt in full. The rich, they fucking drag that shit out with lawyers, they have to try to hide it so you need well trained financial forensics to notice it and document it all and at the fucking end of it all, you are only getting a fraction of what you are literally owed. We want the government to be “efficient” yet we are complaining about the IRS doing their assigned task in an efficient manner because newsflash the lower income audits typically are far more automated, so they are simpler to do when your budget is limited.

    Edit: Also I would like it to be remembered that the IRS are merely enforcers of the tax code. They aren’t exactly the ones who set it in place, they are just doing what they can with what they were given. Hell I’m fucking happy they allocated time and money for the free filling system. Its a step in the right direction because fuck the tax refund companies who lobby our government to make the taxes as painful/annoying as they currently are, when the tax man sort of already knows most of the information they are requesting like many other countries in the first world.

  • I mean sort of. While I get what you are saying but it seems a bit weird, as long as the person isn’t being fired for being part of a protected class I see no issue with a company trying to distance themselves from someone who function is to be a “Brand Mascot” where what they say will be associated with the company hiring them. Fame is a rather fickled thing and reputation sort of plays into the worth of a “celebrity”, like sure behind closed doors these asshats can be as vile and shitty as they want to be but the second they are exposed in the public, the public’s desire to see said person probably drops dramatically since they are isolating a section(s) of the audience who will be wanting to watch something with them in it.

    Hell a decent example would be Ellen Degeneres, after it came out publicly that she was a bit of a cunt to her workers. The rating for her show dropped quite a bit (apparently about 40%) after the backlash leading to many of her side shows getting canned and her not getting renewed for a new season for her talk show. At the end of the day its just a big popularity contest where everyone is vying for people’s attention in an already saturated market.

  • I mean the only reason smallpox was wiped from this earth is because it took 20 years of dedication by the WHO to fully wipe it out.

    The top 10 countries with measels cases as per the CDC are

    1. Yemen
    2. India *
    3. Kazakhstan
    4. Ethiopia
    5. Russian Federation
    6. Pakistan
    7. Kyrgyzstan
    8. Democratic Republic of the Congo
    9. Iraq
    10. Azerbaijan

    The top 10 is based on data from the dates of June 2023 - November 2023. Each one of these are over 3k cases and the top one being at 23k and #2 being 13k.

    So yes, some parts of the world has problem with Measles and unless we dedicate the time to fully eradicate it, it will never truly be gone. The antivax nonsense in the first world countries will only make this worse. Can’t wait for the fucking return of Polio (however polio may be the next disease eradicated since its currently only in 2 countries and there were 6 reported cases in 2021) or TB

    Note: WHO classifies all suspected measles cases reported from India as measles clinically compatible if a specimen was not collected as per the algorithm for classification of suspected measles in the WHO VPD Surveillance Standards. Thus numbers might be different between what WHO reports and what India reports.

  • Clearly following the religious text.

    Deuteronomy 22:28–29

    28 If a man encounters a young woman, a virgin who is not engaged, takes hold of her and rapes her, and they are discovered, 29 the man who raped her is to give the young woman’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife because he violated her. He cannot divorce her as long as he lives.

    While not the same, it sort of catch the drift. Like people can worship whatever religion they want but Jesus this section of the bible is horrific and sort of highlight women as mere property (one of the countless examples in the bible), which should be expected coming from that time period but crazy this kind of thing is still expected to be followed unquestioned.

  • You make a fair point but as I said people keep focusing only on prompts. So when people see the takeaway that “Oh AI art isn’t copyrightable” it means very little since noone in an actual industry is going to give out a raw render (well they shouldn’t). So that is why I pointed out other tools in AI art. Like inpainting and img to img can easily make it or break how much we influence the AI. You are still using all the AI besides scribbling on paint on top of your raw then rerendering it.

    Most of these court cases are primarily on prompt only images. So yes, its great we have the line of well duh if an artist does “sufficient” touch ups its back to being but the question becomes what is sufficient. Would it be sufficient if you still used mostly AI tools especially ones that give the users far more control over what they are rendering (Going to focus mostly on SD since it gives far more versatility than most of its competitors) like if you only use image to image. You posted your own art and it does it thing and bing bang boom is it copyrightable? Img to img only, probably is a low bar and may not get over the hump to be copyrightable but inpainting probably has a far more likely chance to be since it can factor in many things that the “curator” is wanting.

    We are at a time when people are very hot on this topic. I just feel some artists are going a bit too insane with this, I understand their anxieties but its quite easy to lose sight and make draconian demands about this future especially the ones who are suggesting that you can copyright a style. Such suggestions are asinine and will hurt everyone including themselves.

  • I think your understanding of AI art tools is a bit limited. Its not all solely based on prompt. Prompts are the part of most of AI art but its not the only part of it. There are things like inpainting, outpainting, img to img, outside guidance (controlnet for SD), loras, etc. Hell that doesn’t even get into doing touch ups in other photo manipulation software where you can maybe get a general gist with art generator then draw over the output to get it closer to your real vision. Right now most people are only talking about the most bottom of the barrel stuff. Even though the user above hates that people are comparing photography to Ai art, the amount of “effort” required for the most bottom tier stuff (you posting a selfie of you doing duck lips or some other stupid trend) is at a similar level. Noone is arguing photographers don’t put a ton of skill and knowledge into their work but it seems unfair we only compare the most shit tier AI art to the true artistic end of photography instead of equating it to you take a picture of your food. Yes there is some level of effort to it but its acting like AI art requires 0 effort. You put as much effort into it as you would anything else. A use case I would love to see as the tech advances, we are seeing a ton of CGI in traditionally animated shows. Wouldn’t it be better to get a model that is trained on that specific character so you create the original scene in cgi, you run a AI art pass frame by frame, once that is done it should look far closer to the traditional style and have normal artists touch up the scene, which they already do with CGI.

    I will also state since SD 2.0, they have respected robot.txt (them ignoring it prior wasn’t great).

  • Okay, would we be even talking about Billet Labs after a month if they didn’t fuck up this video and selling off the prototype? This situation has been probably the best case scenario for them. This isn’t to absolve LMG’s part in losing the prototype and selling it off but if it worked as intended we wouldn’t be talking about a 900+ waterblock for a gpu right now. It would be a long forgotten video because most consumers don’t give a shit about boutique water cooling solutions, wow what a filler ltt episode. There is a market for it but and I continue to say this what super water cooling enthusiast is going to follow the words of local idiot/“funny” youtube man who does stupid watercooling projects in the dumbest ways possible.