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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • One big difference I think.

    Nazi Germany lost in outright combat against an enemy they had always said they could beat. They were decimated and many of their sycophants were killed in battle.

    Unless Trump and his followers start an actual armed rebellion and get put down, I don’t see how they end up ashamed.

    Beating Trump in court, while it needs to be done, allows all of his followers to keep saying, “See? We told you the deep state was out to get him.”

  • I’m not saying it never happens, but it’s not a super common occurrence.

    And even if it is, locking down the entire internet and monitoring people in an Orwellian fashion isn’t the government’s job.

    What happened back in the day when kids walked in on their parents doing the deed? What did the parents do when their child snuck a passage of Shakespeare and read all the filthy jokes he wrote?

    Oh, they spoke to the kids and guided them through a normal part of life?

    I have a son. I would like for him to not see graphic images on the Internet. But when he does, I will explain to him that human beings have sex (which is why he exists). I will tell him that sometimes people like to watch videos about it because it feels good to them. I will explain to him that it’s fake, just like the action movies and violence he sees on TV. I will tell him it’s nothing like that in reality and I will explain to him that he’s not ready to see that material yet.

    Fascists always gain control by offering “safety.” Ironically, they’re more dangerous than the thing they claim to protect you from.

    Yeah, making a government list of porn watchers with their watch history available is 100% going to be abused. It will not turn out well.

  • Wolf_359@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzJust a thought
    5 months ago

    Schools are absolutely guilty of underpaying teachers and overpaying admin. Many probably mismanage their funds to some degree. And a lot spend way too much on sports stadiums and other things they probably could do without.

    But don’t forget, they also have to shell out tens of millions of dollars all at once when their infrastructure needs to be fixed or updated. If the student population grows, they may be on the hook to build entire hallways full of classrooms and the necessary technology for each room. Usually they sock money away knowing that things have limited lifespans. Even still, many unplanned expenses and planned updates have to wait due to lack of funding.

  • I think what a lot of people are missing in this thread is that not everyone has access to convenient physical stores and many people do have good reasons to want faster shipping.

    For example, young families who don’t live near a Walmart. When you realize you need a few things for the kid, it can be pretty tough to pack them up and drive however far to the store that may or may not have what you need. If they do have it, you aren’t going to get reviews or many options.

    My recent prime purchases have included bottle brushes, a crib mattress protector, a replacement remote for our sound bar (dog ate it), and a cheap car camera to check the baby since he started daycare last week and I’m completely paranoid about my ADHD brain leaving him in a hot car and killing him.

    Did any of these need to be prime purchases? I guess not but you can see how I would want them sooner rather than later.

    Walmart near me didn’t have any good car cameras in my price range.

    The sound bar remote was online only and was required for us to watch TV since our TV speaker doesn’t work.

    The bottle brushes were just convenient.

    The mattress protector could have waited but would have been a gamble on ruining our very expensive crib mattress. This could have been a a Walmart purchase for sure though.

    I’m not saying these were life or death purchases. They weren’t and people got by just fine before Amazon. But does the convenience and reliability outweigh the monthly prime cost? For us, yes. And I admit we have become pretty dependent on it.

  • If this were the norm, every country would be split into a million pieces over every petty squabble. Each update to the tax code would fracture another shrinking state.

    Think too of the power you wield when your Trump card is, “Okay, we’ll just leave and you can have a potentially hostile country on your border. By the way, we’re taking all of our natural resources and exports with us.”

    The gridlock in politics is bad enough. How little would get done if every small town in Alabama could hold the country hostage by threatening to create their own country?

    We fought a war over this already and the secessionists lost. The courts also ruled that they cannot just leave. There is no legal mechanism to do so. They can try to pass an amendment but that won’t happen because the rest of the country wouldn’t agree to it.

    If they don’t want to be Americans anymore they’re free to try and immigrate somewhere. That’d be hilariously ironic.

  • As a Trump-hating liberal Democrat, I wish there were more evidence against him for this. Not the defamation - he quite obviously did that - but the sexual assault.

    It’s such a touchy subject because many people don’t come forward for years or decades after it’s happened. But your ability to mount a defense against an accuser diminishes over time, which is why we have statutes of limitations.

    What were you doing 30 years ago today? Prove it.

    Carroll didn’t seem to have a lot of great evidence. My understanding is that alleges that she told two friends and that’s it. Seems unethical to say he did it for sure without a bit more proof. That’s all I’m saying.

    I’d like to get Trump on things he’s definitely done. He’s done plenty of horrible shit. Every time we get him on something that toes the line or isn’t proven, he’s going to get a boost in the polls.