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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • bdiddy@lemmy.onetoLinux@lemmy.mlWhich distro is the right one for me?
    11 months ago

    ubuntu is the most widely used distro and very simple to setup and gaming out of the box with steam is very simple. Distro end of the day doesn’t matter all that much because you can change them to your hearts content, but for a beginner, you’d probably have the easiest time with an ubuntu distro.

    Doesn’t hurt to have virtual box windows on your linux box just so you can easily do some of that other stuff. While I have done fine with libre office for a long time there are definitely problems with formatting so having a windows VM would just solve that issue. Plus teams and w/e.

    Epic games will take some serious tweaking, but not impossible.

  • Yah the people I know haven’t even read a single thing about the “don’t say gay” bill nor have they even read 1 thing about the Trump documents. They call it a political hit job and I ask them about the specifics of the documents that were IN HIS BATHROOM and they legit hadn’t heard any of it lol. It’s because the media they consume actively avoid its.

    I’d argue that MOST of these whackos are so disconnected from reality because all they listen to is pod casts and watch fox news. They don’t read articles written by actual journalists with sources.

  • bdiddy@lemmy.onetoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy I use Ubuntu (Alan Pope)
    11 months ago

    I’v been using Ubuntu for nearing 20 years now. Maybe like 18ish… It took debian’s rock solidness and made it ez pz. It’s super easy to install and configure and runs like a dream. Has long term stable releases especially important for server architecture. Has the “server” install that is minimal on disk space.

    Etc… Just really rock solid distro that I’ve run for decades and has cost me $0 to do so.

    I ran red hat till all the cool kids told me it’s got to be Debian and then Ubuntu hit the scene and that was that. I’m sure Arch is fine and I’d bet had I chosen to stick with Red Hat and move to Fedora it’d also be fine. End of the day it’s still Linux.

  • Florida has passed all sorts of new laws that restrict rights and literally break the constitution. Republicans are not anywhere near a freedom party. They are the party of the drug war and police state. Party of politicians know better than doctors. The party of “science isnt real and everything is a conspiracy”

    These loonies are not fit to lead in the least. Meatball Rons career is coming to an end. He’s fucked FL up so bad.

  • you don’t need to do anything in xorg. just run nvidia-settings and you can move the position of the monitors. It should have installed along with the drivers. If not just install it and should be good to go very common for that to happen. You also didn’t tell us what distro. You might need to go into your distro settings and make sure the monitors are configured properly as well. On ubuntu it’ll default to 60hz and you have to change the settings in there to get the full performance from your monitor. You can also change positions of the monitor in that setting space.

  • yeah same… Water being one of the most important things states will try to protect. I actually sat in on a Texas water board meeting about our aquifers. Their own models didn’t even take into account climate change, but did have a worst case scenario situation where we lost about 10% of the aquifers every decade if droughts persist. So 100 years on their own government sanctioned modeling water board and still we do nothing.

    OFC they were assuming business as usual in which case we are fine so by denying climate change and doing nothing they’ve literally doomed the state.

  • we continue to allow people to do horrible things and then hide behind the corporate liability wall. The owners of that company have likely pulled all the money out of that company and are fully prepared to bankrupt it and walk away scott free.

    Literally risking people’s lives, cutting corners, and not having a lock tight rescue plan should be criminal as fuck… but here we are. People experiencing actual torturous hell, tax payers footing the bill for an all out search, and the owners walking away with boat loads of money.

  • Lol dude no. There was practically nothing online back then. I was around back then learning linux and programming. IRC was a great place to go otherwise you had to actually read books and RTFM. The wealth of information that we have today wasn’t even close back when alta vista was something you used. I had a job where I specifically had to search things and input data about it and there were like 5 different search engines offering all manner of different results. It was horrible.

    IRC had massive amount of people and chatting with them was helpful. Discord offers that. Your beef is just that it’s not searchable and takes way more engagement for you to try and figure it out.

    That’s just one place, but it’s very useful for a lot of people. IRC is still around and decent amounts still use it and have all along. Those communities that decide to be discord are probably so freakin niche that even if you just log in day 1 ask your question it probably gets answered in detail in 2 seconds.

  • well currently in the US religion is fighting progress and religion is what half the bills in Texas that just passed were based on. Abortion is sceince, but religion is what has caused it to lose legality. Religion ignores science. Same thing going on with climate change… religion says humans aren’t doing this… Science disagrees, but here we are.

    So yeah religion is the thing. not just being an asshole. It’s written into the various religions (who all think the other is wrong by the way) that this is the way to be. To deny science is the right choice of action for them.