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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • He knows, but the thing is that the Democrats are about as afraid of fascism as you are gasoline in your car. They use the threat of fascism to help scare people to the polls and to donate money, which is partly why they never seem to be in a big hurry to squash it. Problem being, of course, that people eventually get fear fatigue and stop paying attention. Kinda like how in the wake of 9/11, the government would announce terror threat levels, and they were always orange or red, indicating super double plus serious danger, and eventually people stopped caring because life must go on. Well, people get fatigued of it and then the fascists win again, which provides another big, though temporary, shot of support to the democrats. Meanwhile, the democrats don’t have to make any real, serious campaign or policy commitments besides “don’t be fascist”. Everything else they do (and don’t get me wrong, they do some good stuff sometimes) is just running up the score. So, for the centrist democrats that run the DNC and Biden campaign, this feels like a pretty good Wednesday for fundraising, even though we all see it as the literal end of the Republic. They’ve been walking on the ice so long, they’re convinced that while it is thin, they couldn’t possibly fall through.

  • From the article:

    Biden did make several trips in the weeks leading up to the debate. On June 13, the president joined other leaders for the Group of Seven summit in Apulia, Italy. Two days later, he flew to Los Angeles for a celebrity-filled fundraiser alongside former President Barack Obama, where his campaign said he raised at least $28 million, per a report from Politico.

    Reuters reported that Biden headed to Camp David on June 21 to begin debate prep six days before he took the stage. White House aides who traveled with the president told Reuters that Biden was “in a good mood” on his way to prepare.

    So, let me get this straight. Two-ish weeks before the debate, he travelled to Europe to visit our allies for two days. Then he visits LA for a day. Then, a week before the debate, he goes to Camp David to prepare. And that’s the strenuous schedule that made him almost fall asleep on stage? And that’s supposed to make me feel better? I read another article where it went into a little more detail and said that they didn’t even start debate prep until 11 am each day at Camp David, and included scheduled time for an afternoon nap, so it’s not exactly like they were working him like a rented mule. This makes it seem so much worse, imo. The president has to do a lot more strenuous stuff than debates, and if he’s worthless for weeks after two days of travel, that doesn’t bode well for the coming campaign season.

  • I’m going to qualify this with the fact that I would vote for a corpse before I vote for Trump, I’m just frustrated the Democrats are actually making me.

    Nobody’s worried that he had a bad debate. It was a massacre. Trump would loudly answer some unrelated question with how we have to murder/deport all Latinos, and on Biden’s turn, he’d just say “I’ve never heard such Malarkey”, take a breath, mumble three words, take a breath, mumble three words, take a breath, mumble three words, and then get lost. That’s not a bad debate performance, that’s somebody’s lost grandpa. They’re worried- I’m worried- because he seems unfit to be a Wal-Mart greeter, let alone president. I keep being told that we have too much at stake this election, and it’s true, so I’m currently bewildered that we’re staking the whole ass future of our democracy to a man who might no longer be fit to even drive. This is the time to bring the best we have to offer, to go as hard as possible, because I’m reading Project 2025 right now and it reads to me that the republicans intend to enforce what they determine to be social norms with murder. Instead, we’ve got a guy that can hardly make a campaign ad without sounding out of breath with the DNC basically flashing back to Hillary and saying shit like “no, YOU’RE out of touch” and “well, you don’t have any choice; what are you going to do, vote for that Bozo?” And we all saw how that turned out. People have already, in fact, elected that Bozo once before. There’s no reason to think it can’t happen again. If the folks at the DNC aren’t already white knuckling the wheel, then they must be the most delusional people on the planet.

  • It’s called Lazarus Syndrome. I was exposed to a case once at a large ER while waiting for a bed for my own patient (hello, am paramedic). Not too much to say about it, the ED staff were working a code, like they do, and called it. About twenty minutes later, some staff was in the room cleaning up when they noticed the patient breathing and told the nurses. Staff came running like hell and worked them for another 15-20 minutes before calling it again. Weird shit, and pretty unusual in my experience, AFAIK we still don’t understand the mechanism behind it.