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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • The bootloader of your phone (if locked) is one of the most secure parts. It’s very hard to get into a modern phones bootloader. In contrast, finding an exploit in a running phone is a lot more feasible.

    If a vulnerability was abused to get into your running phone, it will persist until the phone reboots, and the bootloader verifies the core parts of the operating system at startup. In order to persist past a reboot, malware like that would need a vulnerability in the bootloader, or a bypass for its integrity checks.

    Alongside that, any background services (“daemons”) that got stuck or became slow over time are forced to restart. Operating system updates can be applied, and working memory is cleared.

    In general, it’s just good advice to just reboot your phone once in a while. There’s no harm in doing so.

  • Most malware is written for Windows, especially when it’s distributed as a Windows executable. (Almost) no Windows malware targets Wine specifically. However, Wine on its own is not a sandboxing tool, and Windows ransomware will ruin your day.

    Bottles does two things for security:

    1. Separate wineprefixes
    2. Being a flatpak

    By separating wineprefixes, as long as the host filesystem is not directly exposed (which iirc is default for bottles), any malware not written with Wine in mind will only affect its own “bottle”.

    By being a flatpak, even if some Windows malware specifically targets Wine, it would still have to escape the flatpak sandbox for elevated permissions. If the bottles flatpak has no access to personal files, “Wine-aware” malware won’t either.

    Although malware can still do damage, even in its own sandbox. For example, botnet type malware would still function. The host system is “safe”, but the damage can still be done externally. Usually application-defined “autostarting” of applications is broken under Wine (iirc), which means all non “Wine-aware” malware will only start when an infected windows application is started in bottles.

    Any sandbox will eventually be escaped, and malware sophisticated enough will be able to get access to everything on the host system. The chances of running into malware like this in the wild are extremely small.

    • Is it fully secure? No.
    • Is your virtual Windows environment safe? No.
    • Are other “bottles” safe? Likely, as long as the malware isn’t aware of Wine.
    • Is your Linux host safe? Most likely, depending on your flatpak settings. (and the malware has to specifically target Wine under Flatpak).

  • This isn’t about “making the game work”, or “adding Linux support”. This is about toggling a checkbox to stop explicitly preventing Linux from working.

    The games that already did never faced a massive cheater problem because of it. The games that have stopped development long ago or “don’t care about Linux” (without preventing it with anti cheat) were still made playable by Wine and Proton.

    If the developer wants, they can add system info to their ticket system and filter out any Linux tickets. It costs a game developer barely anything to decide to allow Linux users. Linux support costs a lot, but valve, wine, and the community has been putting a lot of effort in so game developers don’t have to change anything about their game.

  • Short answer: you don’t. It’s either privacy or a facebook app, not both.

    Longer answer: Don’t use the facebook app https://github.com/mautrix/facebook (requires your own Matrix homeserver)

    It is much more complicated to host a Matrix homeserver and Facebook Messenger bridge, however, it allows you to use a FOSS chat app on your Android phone. With notifications and if needed, fully outside google infrastructure, or even fully selfhosted, with ntfy.sh for example. Without running any proprietary Facebook code, and without directly connecting to Facebook servers on your Android device.

    It is of course unavoidable to have complete privacy, as your messages will still be sent to Facebook, but you avoid almost all telemetry (and all on-device telemetry) by using a Matrix bridge rather than the official website/app.

    Another option is Beeper, although privacy with them is questionable, since you’re fully trusting them with your account, and any incoming/outgoing messages. It does avoid Facebook telemetry on device, and is much easier than hosting a Matrix homeserver.