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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Yep. Trying to maintain a consistent startmenu for computer labs with Windows 11 is annoying.

    The layout is stored in an encrypted file that cannot be editted directly. You have to manually setup the start menu on one profile then copy the file to all the others. This works fine for intial deployments, but is a massive pain if you need to add any other apps later.

    The old powershell commandlet for importing layouts does not work in Win11. The old group policy settings don’t work either. The actual DLL calls used by the end user to manually configuring the start menu are deliberatly coded to prevent being called from a script.

    It is freaky how much work Microsoft has done to prevent scripting changes to the start menu.

    The only officially supported method for an IT department to manage the start menu is intune, but microsoft’s device licensing for intune is a mess out folks have yet to figure out.

  • If “God created man and woman as biologically different” then who created all the different intersex people? Even if you ignore or dismiss trans people, there are other people whose sexual characteristics at birth were not so easily sorted into male or female, and others whose physical traits either don’t align with the basic understanding of “sex” chromosomes or whose chromosomes are different than XX and XY.

    Logically, if God exists, then either their statement is wrong and He does make people whose gender is indeterminate, or there is another god who is also making people. Or perhaps He is not that involved in the process, and “God’s Plan” is more of a loose framework.

  • Apple managed to capture lightning in a bottle, twice. First by making a better Walkman, and then again by making that device a phone with internet access. They were able to leverage that success to revitalize their computer hardware business and act as a platform for selling accessories, and all of that made them very successful.

    But the stock market doesn’t care about past success, it cares about growth, and without a major new, or buzz worthy product, investors might start to turn against Apple. Problem is, they have ridden the iPod horse about as far as it can go. They tried putting wheels on it, but that failed, and the jury is still out on whether tying one to your face will work out or not.

  • The MAGA led culture wars have exposed many churches and many christian’s as insufferable bigots who are far more obsessed with making sure everyone in their group agrees on who to hate than they are with sharing such concepts as grace or love. The Methodist split has been especially damning. It is insane to me to see so many otherwise normal people frothing at the mouth with hate and anger because the main denomination dared to even consider being more accepting of homosexuality.

    I was recently told about a woman who was glad her church disaffiliated from United Methodist because she didn’t want to have to find another church. I thought, but bit my tongue, “woman, had your church stayed it would still be the exact same church it always was, it changed by leaving…” these people have been manipulated into thinking any church that stays somehow becomes a satanic cult… because maybe, one day in the future, the main governing body might allow gay preachers… it’s so stupid…