the working class cannot afford democracy
I finally kicked the Reddit monkey. Please forgive me.
the working class cannot afford democracy
defending bigotry isn’t progress, and outright lying in the face of obvious bigotry isn’t doing yourself - or anyone - any favors.
“don’t believe your lying eyes” is a line that only works on the most stupid and gullible, and you’re not going to get very far by telling your audience they’re too stupid to know better.
oh, and if you think that defending bigotry is “contributing something meaningful,” think again.
perhaps you should ask yourself: why do you like bigotry so much that you must dedicate so much time and effort and space to defending it?
Poor behavior can be corrected. Ignoring bigotry and letting it slide hurts others. That’s not acceptable
I don’t need to accept bigotry. I can just use a different browser.
I don’t like bigotry
Thanks for clarifying
Celebrating a king, they are the red coats
Or, just hear me out, maybe they’re just not assholes like Adobe.
That’s good of them. A lot of companies would just say, “fuck it”
xposted to [email protected]
Where do you think the people who pay the creators get the money to pay them?
ads, mostly.
From sales from the results of the last creators who worked for them.
so? they already got paid. i feel no remorse for pirating from a global megacorp.
And neither should you
edit: and - once again - if i couldn’t pirate it, i wasn’t going to buy it anyway. You can’t even argue lost sales (which the creators never see).
That all sounds like it’s still terrible idea to use optical media for backups
The creators get paid when they do the work, not from sales.
Also, a much more important note: if I couldn’t pirate it, I wasn’t going to pay for it anyway.
And why on earth would I pay for media when I can get it for free?
My Plex server is packed with downloads and rips.
I also don’t care to look
I quit optical media around 03. Haven’t even owned anything with an optical drive for nearly a decade.
I don’t want physical media because it’s a liability. It can get lost or destroyed very very easily, especially optical media.
Digital copies are portable, I can data hoard them, and, worst case, I can just re-download it.
i guess, but they’re not great for backup. Eps. R/RW optical media doesn’t last that long (5-10 years) and is easily damaged. You’d be better off with tape for long-term storage. or an M-Disk or some similar magnetic backup solution.
i didn’t want to vote for Biden in 2020, either, so i voted Green.
i was in NY at the time, so my vote didn’t matter, but now that i’m a in red/swing state, I’m def voting Biden just to cut across that Trump edge.
“don’t believe your lying eyes”
we covered that lie already. know any other tunes?
how about explaining why you so enthusiastically defend bigotry?