His work around is here.
Lots of places forbide it, on the off chance it floods the unit. There’s also the thing (when renting an older unit) where water usage is included in the rent … and they don’t want you using more than they allot in their assessments.
Can’t have anyone dipping into their profits.
Double dipping right there. Make money on rent AND selling renter’s data. Capitalism at it’s best. :/
Thanks. It would have been nice if they would have said that in their post.
Thousands of tons of asbestos was released when the towers came down. :/
That’s not a link … it’s a download.
Yes, except in order to make PTFE you have to use PFAS … so it’s a double-edged sword.
Because of their ubiquitous usage and environmental persistence, humans are exposed to a variety of PFAS, primarily through ingestion of contaminated water and food, though PFAS have also been detected in air, indoor dust, and consumer products (Domingo and Nadal, 2017; Sunderland et al., 2019).
While certain communities can be highly exposed to PFAS due to proximity to an industrial site or occupational exposure, PFAS exposure is ubiquitous among human populations, with 98 % of the U.S. population having detectable concentrations of PFAS in their blood (Calafat et al., 2007; National Center for Environmental Health Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2023).
Data from the study.
At this point everything on earth is contaminated with PFAS, PFOS, PFOA etc etc.
For too long gov’ts just let the industries do what they wanted without any real oversight.
Probably all of the above.
6 of them anyway. The other 3 seem to be good so far.
Jfc already! How many times does this have to happen before Israel’s supporters fucking see it’s a feature not a bug.
Fuck Bebe, fuck the IDF and fuck every nation that supports this genocide (glares at Biden).
Probably because it’s proprietary to TransUnion. Needless to say it’s powerful and thorough.
Not if it’s an estranged husband/wife looking for retribution, or a stalker, etc. Lots of individuals would be interested in a single person’s info.
First rule of checking whose voice you should listen to – the amount of people who are vested in your ‘approval rating’ vs the amount of people actually stating the facts of what happened.
Whichever number is greater is usually the one that’s right.
Somebody should tell him he’s listening to the wrong people here.
Tbf I don’t think CSC Serviceworks intentionally stole residents money. They just ignored the problems … like you’re doing rn.