When you hear them complaining, you know that what you are doing to make them accountable is working.
Keep filming, keep resisting
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
When you hear them complaining, you know that what you are doing to make them accountable is working.
Keep filming, keep resisting
US and the west: … Spying is not acceptable! … except if our companies are doing it
So many important issues affecting America right now … and the country and its government is fixated and pouring so much energy, manpower, knowledge, education, experience and capability into … renaming something on a map that no really gives a shit about.
Because they don’t want people to be anti-fascist … they want people to be pro-fascist
Usually when a corporation has to say it … it usually means the opposite of what they just announced.
What makes more sense in a society? One person who controls a billion dollars or a thousand people with million dollars?
The billionaire locks up all that wealth and it doesn’t do anything for anyone … sure it might make someone even more money but it essentially locks away that potential wealth from a larger group of people.
If you had 1,000 millionaires, then they would all go out to perform all kinds of other activities and businesses that would be smaller but at least benefit even more people.
Driving wealth to smaller and smaller groups of people only drives more and more wealth to fewer people while everyone else suffers.
Redistributing millions or billions of dollars might not change much … but at the very least it would be a hell of a lot better than what we have now.
Any individual that wants to horde so much money and wealth that could satisfy the lives of millions of people is not a good person.
It’s like having a million sandwiches and thousands of hungry people around you … but you’d rather keep all your sandwiches and screw everyone else, even though you will never be able to physically eat all the sandwiches you have in a lifetime.
Being a billionaire is not a sign of intelligence, it’s a mental disorder and a person who lacks human empathy.
My bets are that it will be non-stop rage and fear … there’s going to be constant headlines of some new thing to be angry about or to fear … then when it quiets down, Drump will say something stupid and get the rage ball rolling again. No one’s ever going to have time to relax.
It’s known as propaganda
It’s like auctioning away the presidency
The distrubing part will be when these American farmers demand foreign workers and get them and basically usher in a new form of modern slavery, where the US willingly allows migrants in as slave labor without rights and treat them as less than human.
This is another reason why this ancient fossils shouldn’t be allowed to wait this long to retire. If he had retired from office about a decade ago … people would have remembered him for a lot better things. The fact he stuck around this long will mean that everyone just remembers this fossil that drove the bus off a cliff and everyone wondered why they ever let him take the wheel.
Luigi Mangione did more for the American health care system than any health insurance CEO. Just to clarify, killing a man is deplorable but the fact that his actions sparked these debates and brought them to everyone’s attention should make everyone aware of what his actions caused.
Think of it as someone’s private house or warehouse. Everyone is invited in to hang out and talk. At first there is a lot of freedom and no one is really affected. It becomes popular and there are many different types of people and open conversations are happening everywhere.
A new owner takes over the place.
He decides that some people shouldn’t be allowed to talk. He has a bunch of loud mouth obnoxious friends with extreme ideas and he starts giving them a louder voice. Anyone that disagrees or challenges them are drowned out, pushed to the back or told to leave. It’s become their place and their hang out now.
It’s not a public space and you really have no rights to anything there because it’s all privately owned by someone else. Write, share and save as much as you want there but none of it is really under your control or ownership.
You can shout, fight, disagree and challenge them all you want but it’s their place. You have no power there because if you put up too much of a fight, you’ll be pushed out, told to leave and never come back.
This is like listening to the abused house wife who keeps running back to the same unapologetic violent husband.
“He’s changed and won’t do it again”
“I believe in him … it’s going to be different this time”
“I’ll give him another chance … again”
“He promised that it will be different this time”
“I know it will work this time”
Congratulations! He represents two things I love very much … Star Trek and Ireland. He is also someone that represents a generation as we’ve seen him and grown familiar with him through so many appearances in TV and movies over the years.
Whistleblowers always seem to conveniently commit suicide at the right moment.
The public’s perception of the world and reality is based on the information given and fed to them by the media that is corporately owned and controlled by a small group of people.
If I placed you in a room and I was the only person who told you what existed outside the room, I could basically describe to you whatever I wanted you to see because you would have no choice.
It’s not the public’s fault that they are gullible … it’s the fault of an entire community of professionals, politicians, academics, journalists, media owners and thousands of other people in the industry that don’t mind working and living in a world that has all it’s information funnelled through a very narrow opening owned and controlled by those with all the power and money.
Hilarious … Google has placed baby bumpers for Americans on Google Maps
Careful sweetie, you might hurt yourself