• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yes, thank you! I hate this constant narrative that back-to-office is always tied to commercial real-estate investments, or that there’s some magical tax incentive.

    Usually what you have is: bank lends money to a commercial real estate company that owns the building. Commercial real estate company leases out office space to one or many companies. When those companies reduce or terminate their leases, the commercial real estate company struggles to pay their mortgage and defaults. Commercial real estate loses. Bank loses. And if commercial real estate had pooled investments to fund the building (along with bank loan), then those investors lose as well.

    There are some large companies that own their own buildings, but that’s more of an exception.

  • A couple of reasons:

    1. Who would contribute? Banks are highly regulated and sometimes deal with complex products that most Devs don’t have a background on. Even most Devs in banks rely on a team of business analysts, designers etc to shape the requirements. Add on top of that the general negative perception of banks, I can’t think of a large open-source community forming.
    2. Competition. Bank’s primarily compete with each other. They all offer very similar products, and any advantage they can gain by developing proprietary software will be explored.
    3. Third-party apps. Banks use a TON of third-party apps behind the scenes. A lot of times they will purchase licenses for existing products and then customise on top of that.
    4. Outsourcing. Even when they are building the app “in-house” they may have outsourced the development to another company, and will then just maintain the finished product.
    5. Banks move slooooowly. As it’s a highly regulated industry, every deployment needs to go through a ton of red-tape. An exploit found in public might take weeks to be resolved internally.
    6. Reward is not worth risk. It simply isn’t a priority and they can’t see any benefit for doing it. It’s more likely to cause a reputation risk than not.

  • You’ll want to create a new firebase project, install the firebase CLI on your computer and then use the CLI to: login to firebase, select the project you created, and then using the CLI run firebase deploy wherever your code is. That should use firebase “hosting” to serve your static files.

    I find Google Cloud’s documentation extremely confusing (including firebase), so you’re not alone on that front. Took a lot of searching & troubleshooting to finally get my setup working as I intended.