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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Where do we draw the line

    It’s ever-changing. We’re social animals, not math equations, so it’s all according to the kind of society we want.

    how do we do that without limiting free speech?

    All freedoms are in tension between “freedom to” and “freedom from”. I can have the freedom to fire my gun in the air. I can have the freedom from my neighbor’s randomly-falling bullets. I can’t have both of those codified in law (unless I’m granted some special status over my neighbors).

    I think that, many times, what we run into is a mismatch between a group thinking in terms of “freedom to” and a group thinking in terms of “freedom from”.

    The “freedom to” folks feel like any restriction on their ability to act is a breach of liberty, because they aren’t worried about “freedom from”. If, for example, I live in the middle of nowhere and have no neighbors, what falling bullets do I have to fear except my own?

    The “freedom from” folks feel like having to endure the effects of others’ actions is a breach of liberty, because they aren’t worried about “freedom to”. If I spend my life dodging falling bullets, I’m not likely to fire more into the sky.

    And the days of believing everything you see are over but most don’t know it yet.

    We said the same thing about the printing press. And it plunged us into a long period of epistemic chaos, with rampant plagiarism and reverse-plagiarism (attributing words to someone who never spoke them). The fallout of this led the crown to seize presses and allocate exclusive printing rights to a chartered monopoly (with some censorship just for funsies).

    We can either complain it’s too hard and do nothing, eventually leading to an overreaction to a policy that is obviously not sustainable… Or we can learn from history, get our heads in the game, and start imagining a framework that embraces the transformative power of large-scale computing while respecting the humanity of our comrades.

    C2PA is a good start, but it’s probably DOA in the hacker zeitgeist. We tend to view even an opt-in standard for proof of authenticity as a gateway to universal requirements for proof of authenticity and a locked-down tyrannical internet forever and ever. Possibly because a substantial portion of us are terminally online selfish assholes who never have to spend a second worrying about deepfakes of ourselves. And also fancy ourselves utilitarian techno-solutionists willing to sacrifice the squishy unquantifiable touchy-feely human emotions that just get in the way of objective rational progress towards a transhuman future. It’s a noble sacrifice, we say, while profiting disproportionately and suffering none of the fallout.

  • People said the same thing when, after the printing press, there was rampant plagiarism and reverse-plagiarism (attributing words to someone who never said them).

    After a period of epistemic chaos, the result was several decades of chartered monopoly and government censorship to get it under control.

    I hope we won’t need heavy-handed regulation this time around. But that will only happen if we learn from history. We need to get this under control now, while we have the chance to start a framework for protecting our fellow human beings from harm. Complaining that it’s hard is not an excuse for doing nothing.

  • kibiz0r@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.mlSo let me get this straight.
    1 year ago

    Wrong community, so I did have to down-doot… but I also dig your post.

    Their philosophies are pretty much a way to morally and/or pseudo-scientifically ret-con the heinous, antisocial, extractive shit they were already gonna do anyway.

    “I need the money in order to decide the path of the world, and I deserve to be the one who decides because I’m the one who managed to get the money.” There’s no room for democracy in their world view.

  • kibiz0r@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.mlSo let me get this straight.
    1 year ago

    Step forward: we hear

    That you are a good man.

    You cannot be bought, but the lightning

    Which strikes the house, also

    Cannot be bought.

    You hold to what you said.

    But what did you say?

    You are honest, you say your opinion.

    Which opinion?

    You are brave.

    Against whom?

    You are wise.

    For whom?

    You do not consider your personal advantages.

    Whose advantages do you consider then?

    You are a good friend.

    Are you also a good friend of the good people?

    Hear us then: we know.

    You are our enemy. This is why we shall

    Now put you in front of a wall. But in consideration of your merits and good qualities

    We shall put you in front of a good wall and shoot you

    With a good bullet from a good gun and bury you

    With a good shovel in the good earth.