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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • What other reason can you name for people being anti immigration when there are zero immigrants in their region? Why do they care?

    And regarding talking to conservatives: I do that all the time as (unfortunately) the sports club in which I’m heavily involved is pretty conservative, but I don’t see any reason why I should talk to people pushing and voting for Nazis agenda.

    Edit: And I believe that it’s not unreasonable in itself to try and control immigration. But just maybe beforehand we should stop actively exploiting and destroying their countries*.

    *wars, unfair free trading agreements, dumping subsidized food, climate change, dumping garbage…

  • Because they’re manipulated? Because they like easy solutions to complex problems? Because they like to close their eyes and imagine that every can stay the same? Because neoliberal and conservative politicians fucked the lower and middle class while blaming the left (who for the most part weren’t even in power) and immigrants? Because German education has neglected teaching critical thinking skills and streamline education to just provide economic value?

    Time and time again anti-immigrant tendencies are highest in areas with the lowest amount of immigrants (see the east of Germany). It’s just easy to hate people you don’t know…

  • Hm it’s probably “bundle with the hardware, make sure the hardware really works and there’s a price incentive vs Windows”.

    As long as you have to actively migrate (including backing up, losing access to several commercial apps) and could end up in the situation that your hardware isn’t 100% working or you’re workflow isn’t really supported?

  • Some thoughts from my side (coming from another domain - more embedded):

    • Whether you use a message string or a named bool does not change anything. It’s still logging.
    • It’s of course nice to just trace everything and filter / search afterwards, but in embedded for example your machine may just crash if you try that. For that log levels are the traditional way to filter before a log is written.
    • I don’t get how timestamping / ordering is necessarily worse for logging. Maybe it’s just the framework that is used?
    • You sure can have hierarchical information in log frameworks

    In my opinion log levels sure make sense, but it may vary wildly depending on what you’re doing. We run our software in different environments:

    • Development machines / VMs
    • Development boards
    • Production ECUs

    And it’s run by different sets of people:

    • Devs
    • Integrators
    • Customers

    Depending on the combination of where / who you get different requirements.

    I get that Logging is hard and often you get messages with a wrong log level or you’re missing a message at a crucial point etc. But tracing is not better in every way - they should complement each other.