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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • systemd nightmare needs to end. Too many broken garbage from malicious actors within the opensource community.

    Just as an experiment, get every distro to have at least 2 or 3 SysVInit / runit / rc.init alternatives, and you will see a MASS Migration back to SysVInit. Bash/shell script init functions were really dead simple and almost unbreakable/hackerproof.

    Systemd really needs to be thrown in the garbage dumps of history so we can finally have a UNIX-like boot back.

  • Due to DNC and Biden inaction and corruption there is a massive enough majority who will set the world on fire and watch as it all burns down.

    When Drumpf wins Nov2024 you will know who to blame for this fiasco. And it will be too little too late. Start planning for a mass exodus to Mexico or Canada.

    When a large enough brain-drain happens, there is a direct national impact. So if enough sensible people leave after Nov2024, there will be enough stagnation and consequences that most govt operations should grind to almost non-existence. Come Nov2028 if y’all 'Muricans foreign or domestic can’t take back the govt with absolute majorities, forget about it all for the next 50 years. Once enough SCOTUS replacement happens, maybe, maybe there will be a chance to cleanup all the damage and pickup the pieces.

  • Your suggestion is not wrong despite people not liking it. OpenSuse Leap or TW and Fedora even SilverBlue can be good for Linux newbies.

    I have got both OpenSuse Leap and Fedora 37 on old-people systems and they are happy to browse using Chrome and edit using Libreoffice. etc.

    Windows or Linux is as much suitable for the people who can use it and need it. No need to force anyone to use anything.

  • Clintons are the “NEW-Money” in politics. Bill was governor and Hillary was a lawyer getting kickbacks from Bill and vice-versa. Nothing illegal but it was all “gray-area”. People hated this type of double-dealing. Just barely-legal but completely unethical and morally-bankrupt. Then Bill got caught lying with his pants down.

    Hillary never understood peoples sentiments that the Clintons smooched on the system and tax-dollars yet they still got away with it.

    This is a problem of character meets long-term actions and tendencies.

    Hillary never got “her turn” because dirty politicians are not loved. She forgot that hard-work pays off when you are clean. And she forgot to campaign in Michigan and other places instead wanted to take a break.

    Hindsight 20/20. If she and Bill had come clean, told the voters that they wont be doing the old runaround and clean up the system and take responsibility and have Bill “SHUT THE EFF UP YOU PERVY IDIOT”. There might have been a chance that Hillary could have garnered sympathies as a hardworking housewife with a screwloose husband.

    Dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and all that.

  • Disney gave free gifts to RCID employees totalling near 0.5 million USD which is same as bribery of govt officials.

    Special district laws DID NOT apply to RCID since Walt negotiated for Disney few months before his death in 1967 or whenever for a special special agreement with Florida that was untouched by later Special District laws that DID apply to all Non-Disney projects! Disney was abusing their power granted by the govt of Florida …

    Republicans saw the weakness of Disney’s special privileges and as usual waved a stick at Disney … bait which Disney took …

    All Disney had to do was focus on making movies and making money.

    “put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!” is what has sunk their entire business.

    Edit: Disney LOST their Court-case against Florida. The downvoters and Naysayers are WRONG :-D Corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE. Legal Entities need to be DELETED from Existence if they commit crimes. :-D