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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Tbh you can actually quite easily buy a computer with Linux pre installed (ironically they cost more than the ones that come with windows though). I wouldn’t recommend it though, regardless of tech literacy. The problem is that Linux is like 70% easy and great, 20% frustratingly glitchy and unfinished, and 10% getting stuck on completely impossible problems that you will lose weeks of your life to before eventually concluding that no solution actually exists. Nothing ever quite just works, there’s always some caveat or minor issue and you end up chasing rabbit holes instead of actually using your computer to do what you wanted to do

  • The Hamas Can’t you see both sides are using identical arguments? Israel has also repeatedly said that their intention is to destroy Hamas, not the Palestinian people, but their actions show that that is utter bullshit of course (they even used suitcases full of cash to keep Hamas in power).

    Likewise Hamas claim to only be against the Zionists in order to gain public support but their charter literally says “from the Jordan river to the sea, Palestine will be free of Jews”, and there are numerous reports of them raping and murdering innocent Israelis.

    Long story short, the current government of Israel and Hamas are both terrible, and supporting either of them is supporting a group whose goal is genocide. The US government is obviously extra complicit in genocide due to continuing to sell Israel weapons, but if you didn’t already know that US foreign policy is pure evil then you haven’t been paying attention