A Republican hasn’t won New Jersey in 40 years. Biden needs to go. Put somebody better in.
Here’s Sky News’ reaction, what in the… https://x.com/scottygb/status/1808969692025139531
Remember Livejournal?
Nah, F Wall Street Pete! A lot of LGBTQ hate him too because we saw who he really is.
Queers Against Pete group outside his SF event:
Chased out of South Carolina, literally had to run, when he tried to take credit for the Fight for $15…
I remember the KHive from the Bernie days…
Kamala Harris Has A Vibrant Online Fan Club. But It Also Has A Toxic Side. The KHive aims to amplify and support the Democratic vice presidential nominee, but some of its members have crossed the line from ardent fandom to overt harassment.
Ah, good point.
Just because you don’t like the article, doesn’t mean it’s bullshit. It’s the NYT. Don’t be a Trumper by saying “fake news!”
They hate reality.
This account is based on interviews with current and former White House aides, political advisers, administration officials, foreign diplomats, domestic allies and financial donors who saw Mr. Biden in the last few weeks, sometimes just briefly, sometimes for more extended periods. In most cases, they spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the matter.
Paywall removed: https://archive.is/cDgdA
Yeah, I would walk right back out of the bar if I saw they had this.
She’s so enraged she’s literally shaking while filming it. Yikes. Here’s more of the video: https://youtu.be/CnECTQ6acpc
Sorry, I was trying to be funny.
Biden steps down and makes a powerful endorsement.
Delegates are open to choose a candidate.
DNC sets up a ranked voting process.
Top two have a run off
Superdelegates support the winner satisfying the nomination threshold.
A energized united party beats Trump and wins down ballot races.
opportunistic Democrats gaslight voters into thinking Biden is fine, “just lost his fastball”
Trump wins a legislative mandate
Democrats blame young voters and Progressives
So the plan is just to gaslight voters saying Biden is perfectly fine until the election?
+1? Wrap it up folks! It’s over!
I agree but he won’t
We’ve already got a “not Trump” candidate who is good enough for now.
That’s the issue. Is that really good enough to defeat Trump? For democracy being on the line, I think they really need to replace Biden. I think only Obama could convince Joe to step down. He would look Presidential and his legacy would be “fine”. If Biden stays in the race and loses to Trump, Biden’s legacy will be “his ego ended democracy”. The empire is collapsing.
If you haven’t seen Abigail Disney’s documentary about Disney, you really need to…
The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales - Official Trailer - https://youtu.be/9XnX5LNjeAg