Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Will the risk be higher during Trump 2.0

    Why would it?

    I think you’re paranoid and irrational, and should probably step away from social media and go talk to some actual Trump supporters. That’s not me, but my family largely voted for that clown, so I think I know a thing or two about what his supporters want.

    In essence, they want Trump to cut spending, stop drug trafficking, and create jobs. I think it’s far more likely that he cuts the FBI and related law enforcement and potentially merges them than to put them on the attack. He cares more about stopping illegal immigration than spying on residents, so that’s where his attention will be.


    FOSS + self-hostable is always the right answer. I don’t think who the President is matters all that much because data requests are an agency level thing and not something the President or even the cabinet member is involved in (outside of perhaps very high profile issues).

    If it’s not on your machine, you won’t know if the server admin has been forced by the courts to give up the data. I use a VPS, but it doesn’t actually store anything, it just forwards packets to my computer on my network, so if LE wants my data, they have to get it from me directly.

    If you’re paranoid about the government spying on you, it doesn’t matter who’s in the Oval Office, what matters is if they can get access to your data without you knowing. So my tier list for this is:

    1. Self-hosted, FOSS, E2EE with no data stored on the server (e.g. Simplex)
    2. Self-hosted, with data stored on the server (e.g. Matrix) - only if it’s on your LAN
    3. FOSS client, E2EE (e.g. Signal)
    4. Hosted in a country with strong privacy protections and no agreements with your country for exceptions (e.g. Proton)

    Pretty much everything else is unacceptable IMO.

  • Replace it with rights related to allowed uses of data to be determined by the people who produce the data

    That’s essentially what copyright is! It has more to do with who has the legal right to access, modify, and distribute content than it does about copying. You can make as many copies as you want of content you legally have access to, you just can’t share it with anyone you aren’t permitted to share it with.

    I think copyright is a good thing in general because it gives producers of content some rights to protect the content they’ve created, which means they have an opportunity to profit from it before competitors can take that content and redistribute it themselves. if there was no copyright protections, the moment you publish something, a competitor will rush to reproduce it and publish it far more broadly, using their much larger distribution network to cut you out of sales.

    The problem is that it also restricts modifications, so if someone produces something, you need to be very careful to stay within the constraints of fair use or you could get hit with a lawsuit, and you can be sued even if you’ve done everything properly if the original creator has enough money to tie you up in courts (see Palworld v Nintendo).

    people the data is about

    This seems incredibly problematic because then you’d have to jump through massive hoops to write a book involving any public figure. Even if you exempt public figures from this, you could still have tons of lawsuits from people trying to take a cut from your profits if anything in the book seems to relate to them.

    The main problem, IMO, with copyright is how long it’s in effect for. The original intent was to protect content so the creator could have time to profit from it, but Disney has lobbied in the US to extend that to 95 years from date of publish, or 70 years after the death of the original creator, which is unnecessarily long. Copyright used to only be 14 years, with an optional 14 year extension (subject to approval), and I think that’s much closer to reasonable than the current durations. I’d even go so far as to say it should be more like 5-10 years, with an optional extension that’s only granted if the creator can prove they need more time to recuperate costs (perhaps a max of 20 years?).

  • 100% agreed. I’ll take this a step further and suggest we need a constitutionally recognized right to privacy (to protect people from governments) as well as a statutory protection of individual privacy (to protect people from companies). Opt-out privacy violations would become illegal, which should dramatically cut down the worst of it.

    Follow that up with reduced copyright durations and stronger copyright protections, which would increase the amount of legally usable training data, while restricting it from the most recently published data.

    I think this could solve a number of cybersecurity-related issues, especially if the law states that companies are explicitly legally liable for protection of any PII they collect, which is in line with their duty to safeguard the privacy of their customers.