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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • I know quite enough about Musk. I also know myself and calling me ignorant is rather presumptuous. But I get the sense that you like to attempt to correct others a lot, especially those you think are less learned when we simply don’t require it because we’re not actually wrong or misinformed. What you see as ignorance is simply that one can be both learned, and also hold a strong opinion about someone based on evidence of their behavior and their actions or inactions.

    Just because you don’t agree with such an opinion does not mean we somehow are less educated about a subject.

    It really is okay. You can continue on thinking I’m dumb :)

    This will be my last reply to you. I appreciate your passion.

  • I’m simply stating that not all school administrators are saints. And I had a specific anecdote of one such person.

    Of course the guy shouldn’t have shoved him in that venue. And if it’s about race, it’s even worse (though the article clearly tries to make it about race from its first sentence, so I don’t know either way).

    But I know what it feels like to see one’s kid be unfairly treated by school systems and specific administrators. And in the article it states the parent sees it that way much in the same vein as my anecdote (his kid got the book thrown at her while others who violated the same policy got no punishment at all).

    Hopefully that clears it up for you. But if not, not my problem.

  • No I understand economy just fine. I understand that I’m spending double (or more) on groceries than what I spent a mere five years ago which vastly exceeds inflation. I understand that businesses don’t actually need a captain as you describe, but that is a concept difficult for most to realize. And I also understand that there exists multiple businesses that have such captains that actually do hard work and do provide more than just dividends and interest to a shareholder.

    Musk is a parasite on the world.

    And it’s okay if you don’t like what I say. :)

  • This guy was definitely a dick for shoving him. And I feel bad for the daughter.

    But I have had my own issues with school administrators where I live, where a group of kids, boys and girls included, all had done something worthy of, at most, suspension — the girls had the book thrown at them (effective expulsion for at least a half-year), and the boys got off without so much as a warning.

    I would never seek out the administrator in question, but if I ever saw the misogynist piece of shit again I’d likely deck him in the face.

    Though I did get some satisfaction a year later, when that administrator got effectively demoted to a lower tier school.

    Edit>> People need to actually read the article if they can’t correlate what I wrote here to it, assuming comprehension isn’t a roadblock for them.

  • Yep, and Android also suffers from plenty of malware within the Play Store. I’d rather a company focus on combating that than worrying so much about minor features.

    Edit> Yeah I figured I would be downvoted. People are very tribal and base their identity on such which means they will disagree with me. I am a pragmatist and don’t want to deal with malware and a shitshow of fragmentation — so while it does suck to be within Apple’s walled garden, it at least fits my needs.

  • I never once said it was his standard salary nor did I allude to such.

    Elon did nothing. The workers at Tesla did everything. Such a sad state of the world when people like him are so revered for one thing — having money. And it’s even sadder that people equate that to having intelligence or actually producing anything. The reason the shareholders approved this is because they see him as a way for themselves to make more money. It’s pure greed all around.

    So I reiterate just in case it was confusing the first time around — Insane. No one person should have, or deserve, 56 billion dollars. And especially this piece of shit.