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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Initially, I agreed with you. But then I realized: These authors don’t ever want their work anywhere near an AI. Their work could then easily be used for things they don’t agree with.

    Of course, if they publish it at all, it’ll still be available to be used like that against their wishes, but at least they didn’t support that directly.

    I think Angry Robot should have a checkbox (checked by default, even) that allows the author to opt out of the AI-based classification process. That’ll mean their story needs more effort from Angry Robot to review, so it’s less likely they’ll make it in… But if they have a good story, that won’t matter.

  • To expand upon that, I had something similar to the OP’s setup at one point, and I found things worked a lot better when the files could be moved on the same volume, rather than appearing as separate volumes (because they were mounted separately). I ended up re-engineering my whole setup for that and it’s much faster now.

    As for duplicates… I assume this is so you can continue seeding after the file has been moved? I can’t think of anything that would fit the bill for that off the top of my head. Ideally, I think you’d want QBT to just start serving from the new location instead, though I admit hard links does sound like a solution that could work.

    And after Googling, it seems like it already does hard links for torrents for this exact reason. I think if you just map /media (and drop the 2 maps you have after that) things will work like you want.

  • Often, I don’t. If I think there is a good chance of a payoff, though… I start skimming the crap. I’ve learned to skim through stuff until something of import comes up, and then I step back a couple paragraphs and start reading again.

    I don’t know how you’d learn this, but I learned it back in high school when I needed to find information in the textbook quickly, but couldn’t afford to actually read every page on the way. It was massively successful back then, and now both.

    If after skimming like 1/4 of a book I haven’t found anything interesting again, I almost always quit, though. It’s really unlikely that a book with that much content that I don’t care about will have anything that I value later.

    That said… I have skimmed entire books on re-read. Some of the middle Wheel of Time books, for example. And some were so bad that I just read a summary, instead of skimming. But I like the first books enough that it was worth it for the ending, which was decent, but not mind-blowing like I’d hoped. (I “re-read” them when the later books finally came out and I wanted a refresher.)

  • If you’re only watching on 1 TV, I don’t think there’s any reason to keep them a separate 4k library. And if your server can handle transcoding easily, there’s still not much reason.

    If you have an often-used second (or third, etc) TV with lower resolution and your server doesn’t handle transcoding well, then it’s probably worth keeping them separate.

    I’ve also started to disagree with the guide about file size. I don’t think I can tell the difference, and I’m not trying to preserve media for the future. So long as the video has the features I want, I think just about any file size is fine.