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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Nazi Germany as an example was a populist and nationalist movement that rose out of the austerity plan from WW1. Yes it is very much linked with fascism.

    What we are experiencing in America and Canada right now is a rise in populism and nationalism which again is dragging fascism along on its heels. Again, they are all very much tied together.

    Beyond that I’m not going to argue with someone with their head up their ass. History has proven again and again that Populism, Nationalism and Fascism are all similar and travel together repeatedly. Do they always? No.

  • I’ve been pondering this one because I grew up a country boy and now live in the city. What you’re talking about still exists. I live in Newmarket, ON and still rarely lock my doors and so all the things you mention.

    John Ralston Saul said, and I’m paraphrasing, what made Canadians special was the uniqueness in how we came to be. Our relationship with “the other” now defined as immigrants, comes from a natural place of understanding and respect. You become a Canadian but you also keep your identity because Canada is made stronger by that inter-weaving of social fabrics.

    I will agree that our country is hurting but I would argue the biggest threat to our nation is the immigration of American style identity politics that started back in the 80’s and has since escalated to a wave of “Fuck Trudeau”.

    I have said before what truly scares me is that the Conservative movement in all their bigoted while male centric policies has realized that they can synergize their vitriol with people who have come here from brutally regressive countries when it comes to the treatment of women, gays and minorities.

    Big picture we are going in the right direction but it’s going to be a rough decade or so.