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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2024


  • Re: Committing the worst ethnic cleansing campaign:

    • During the Congolese Civil War, between October 2002 and Jan 2003 Congolese forces killed 40% of the Pygmy Population of Congo. Thats 70.000 people. I’d argue thats worse.

    • The Darfur Genocide is still ongoing and has killed 300.000 People.

    • The Rohingya Genocide killed 20.000 and led 1 million people to flee their homeland, that was in 2017.

    • The Yazidi Genocide displaced 71% of the global Yazidi population and killed 5.000, out of a population of 700.000. This ended only in 2016.

    • There are currently 19 million people suffering from starvation in Yemen, due to a war perpetrated by Saudi- and Iran-backed forces.

    • The Amhara are suffering a genocide for the last 30 years, which has resulted in 2 Million People being absent from any record. During the recent Ethiopean War another 2 million Amhara fled their homeland while being raped, enslaved and killed.

    Noone in this thread would deny the Palestinian Genocide, but to claim its the worst one in a whole generation is to ignore at least 3 or 4 genocides on this list.