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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • I think it’s somewhat arrogant to assume that the state violence apparatus is wholly on our side on this one.

    1. What kinds of people do you think staff the military and police, LBGT activists and climate protesters?
    2. For those not on the MAGA train but are perhaps “uncommitted”, being ordered to fire on Americans may be a bridge too far.

    The military will likely fracture like everything else in such a scenario. I imagine desertion, theft of equipment, and sabotage would all be huge problems until things more neatly sort themselves into “us” and “them.”

  • I’ve thought about this a lot. I think its more the sheer oversaturation of “culture” than it is a true lack of imagination. People alive today consume exponentially greater amounts of “culture” (for the broadest term possible) than anyone ever before, and it’s not even close.

    When tech enables you to experience a movie or a video game or a performer 30 years after the death of everyone involved, in essentially the same fidelity as the day it debuted, “old culture” has a much harder time making way for “new culture.” If Star Wars exists, why care about Rebel Moon or whatever that movie was called?

    I think the public consciousness can only maintain cognizance and interest in so much, but at the same time creatives are constantly adding to the Culture Pile. But the more tech enables us to hold on to our past, it becomes more and more difficult to move on, and the majority of new stuff goes unwanted and unappreciated. And so the mass market dives into keeping the old alive with reboots, remakes, remasters, and now AI recreations, because that’s what people respond to.

  • This is kind of where I’m at. I don’t imagine any amount of cash in a bank account is going to prepare us for what’s to come. Even if you could put money aside, the money you typically put towards retirement might just be better off towards becoming a doomsday prepper. Probably wouldn’t save you either way, but it may buy you a little time that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

    Like others have said, I imagine my “retirement” as bearing witness to the collapse of modern society and ultimately dying in some lousy brawl with other desperate refugees, or by some untreated bacterial infection.

  • I could be considered a gun nut myself but I will not pretend that this behavior is some abnormal outlier. There are plenty, plenty of American gun owners who think like this man does, they just haven’t had the opportunity for their malformed amygdala to get someone killed.

    You mention Rittenhouse but he’s a gun culture hero. Zimmerman and the like, all heroes. People who get to use their gun to lay down the law like the Earp posse are generally seen as heroes when they don’t completely fuck up like this guy, they’re not shunned as short-sighted and reckless.

  • I’d settle for it being widely seen as the ignorant anachronism that it is and their power over secular government being completely wrested.

    If an elected leader from my country said that we need to curry favor with Neptune to stop a dry season I’d want them thrown out as would many others probably. But every day we have leaders around the world making decisions based on their Iron Age faith and that’s seen as okay…because they’re part of the same club? Out of the spirit of acceptance? Personally my acceptance is wearing thin watching these nutjobs break whatever they can. They belong in communes in the woods, not leading nuclear-armed countries.